Creating A Violence-Free, Stress-Free America

27 Mar 2007
Washington, District Of Columbia, United States

 Violence FreeH.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar launched an initiative to create a ‘violence-free, stress-free’ America at an event at the John F Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington D.C. held to mark the Silver Jubilee of the Art of Living.

The initiative envisages several programs to foster human values such as compassion, friendliness, a sense of brotherhood, and an attitude of service to society.

On the occasion, H.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s proposed Universal Declaration of Human Values was unveiled. The Declaration provides a pragmatic vision for the world community, representing a roadmap to foster understanding, and harmonious coexistence among different peoples, and cultures.

Drafted in the form of a proposed resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, this Declaration emphasizes the urgent need to rekindle human values in society in order to resolve the serious challenges facing the world today.