30 Apr 2012 - QA 6

How to help my father learn how to handle his negative emotions. Also, how can I accept his chaos at work, since I work with him?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is a tough job. Different generations have different styles of working. You have to have a lot of patience, and skill in communicating with him.
Sometimes the older generation, they don’t know how to delegate work. They believe so much in perfection that they want to do it all by themselves. That becomes an issue for the younger generation. So do one thing, when he becomes negative, you just quietly slip away from there. Don’t argue. Argument does not work there at all. Even if you are right in whatever you are saying, he will not take it. He is holding on to his position and he will not let go.
It is tough, but skillfully you have to put your ideas forth. You need a lot of skill there. And silence is the mother of all skills.
See, you will ask me, ‘Why should I come and keep silence for three days Guruji. What is the point? Let me talk.’
When you are silent, you tap the source of skills and those skills come up in you.