7 April 2015 - QA 11

We have a lot of women selling themselves in Surabaya and Bali. How do we stop this?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Trafficking of women is an issue in Indonesia, India, Nepal, Mauritius and Sri Lanka; almost all of South East Asia. The issue needs to be tackled by the Children and Women’s Department. A thorough research or study needs to be conducted to assess if it is done for economic reasons. I don’t think it is done by choice. If they are doing it as a compulsion for livelihood, then it has to be attended to immediately. If it is happening as a lack of culture or training, then education may help. I am not qualified to comment on it. Someone who is a sociologist could present a research paper. From our end, we can provide some skills training, and empower them so they can honor themselves and womanhood.