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  1. How does a child forgive her parents for certain behavior against her at a young age? What moral authority do the parents still possess?

    Listen, if they have done some mistake, they did it because they never had a better education, or a better opportunity. They did not know how to manage their own mind, their emotions, their body. So, it is unfortunate that they went through life like that. ...
  2. My husband is unfaithful, what to do?

    I have no experience in this. But still I will tell you something, husband may get attracted to other people but his love for you will be more if you understand him in a broader perspective. If you have a broad mind and forgive him two to three times and t ...
  3. Gurudev, if we fail to bring a wrong person on the right track after making considerable efforts, then what should we do?

    Make an effort to bring a wrong person on the right track. If effort doesn’t yield results, then pray for him, he definitely will come on the right path. Prayer doesn’t mean a superficial prayer. You should feel the pain of seeing him walking on the w ...
  4. Gurudev, in life what should be given more importance, the happiness of the people close to us, or our own happiness?

    Consider it as your two eyes. If you are happy, only then can you keep others happy. And if you find your happiness in making others happy, then you will progress a lot in life. ...
  5. What is the importance of a life partner? How to choose who to marry and what should one see in them?

    Look, I have no experience in this so I cannot advise you. Go for someone who has experience, they can advises you. Probably they will advise you to stay where you are. (Laughing) Anyway by changing the boat you are not going to learn how to row the b ...
  6. Dear Guruji, how can I know if it is the right time to separate from someone? I have been struggling with one relationship for almost five years now. It has become one of the biggest struggles of my life.

    Well, I can’t advice you on this because I have no experience of separation from anybody. I would say, ask yourself, have you given 100% to your relationship. If you feel that you haven’t, then give it and try. If it doesn’t work and if it has only be ...
  7. Gurudev, I went to the World Book Fair today and I bought the Bhagvad Gita. Earlier I used to read only romance or action. Now my mother is worried if everything is okay with me. What should I tell her?

    Tell her it is absolutely fine! The train is on track. The situation has become such that amongst those who do wrong, the one who does something right becomes the odd one out. It is like the saying, ‘The one who wears clothes in a village of naked ...
  8. Gurudev, all of us seem to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but very few have an idea about their own lives. Why is it so and what can we do about it?

    Now, are you talking about yourself, or your spouse, or someone else? Of course, your spouse will give you ideas on how you should be living and what you should be doing, and your mother will give you advice, your sister will dictate you, and your dau ...
  9. Gurudev, there is a new problem in my life because of Facebook and Internet. My wife gets upset when she sees female friends on my friend list, but when my wife makes male friends on the net, she does it without any hesitation. How to tackle this?

    Well, you know I have no experience to handle these situations. You must ask your friends only, they may give some ideas. Or why not ask your own wife? Ask her how to solve this. You know, there is a proverb, ‘give the keys to the thief and make the ...