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  1. Gurudev, how to live life with absolute confidence that Guru or God is there to take care of me when I have surrendered?

    There is no way you can do it! You simply have to bear the cross. ‘Whatever happens, happens’, just say that and then see what happens. If you're trying to bring in confidence, it doesn't work at all. ‘I want to keep my faith’, what faith d ...
  2. Would every soul attain Moksha some day? How long will this earth continue and will we all have grace in next birth also?

    You ask about yourself. Why do you ask about all the souls in the world? Do all the souls want moksha first of all? They may not even want; correct! You know, sometimes we make generalized statements and we ask these generalized questions also.I have n ...
  3. Why has Indian mythology given forms to all energies. Are all the mythological stories true? How can Rishis lose control and curse if they are enlightened?

    The universe is full of names and forms. The moment you give a name, form also comes with it. And many of these forms were cognized in the subtle. So they continue in the subtle realm. Now, why did the Rishis (Seers) get angry and c ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, can you please tell us more about the lineage of the masters?

    Well, we do not know when it exactly began, since it goes back many thousands of years. The knowledge of Yoga, Meditation, and the knowledge that the whole of the universe is created by One energy, has been passed down thro ...
  5. Gurudev, there are so many different prayers in Hinduism. Some for Devi, some for Vishnu. In each prayer it is said that with regular recitation of the prayer one will be benefited. Now all prayers say the same thing, how do we know which one to follow?

    See, the first thing to understand is that God is One. No matter by what name you may call him, he is One. That is one thing. Secondly, it is not true that God is pleased by listening to His Stuti (devotional songs or hy ...
  6. What is the purpose of this creation?

    What is the purpose of any sports? (Answer: To win or entertain) Yes, just entertainment, or fun, isn’t it! Same way! It is just that the Brahman was One in the beginning and he felt a little bored, so he said, ‘Let me become many.’ As ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, can you please speak about bondage? Why does the soul feel trapped, and what are the causes of bondage?

    Ignorance is the cause of bondage. And why there is ignorance? There is no answer to that. Why has the Divine first created this ignorance and then the means to get out of it? That is why it is called Leela (a game or play of the Divine) ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, what has God got to do with spirituality? Can I not believe and still be spiritual?

    Yes! Do you know, in the six Darshanas (schools of India Philosophy), the first three Darshanas do not even talk about God – Nyaaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya. Nyaaya Darshana b ...
  9. Gurudev, there is some confusion regarding Lord Vishnu’s Avatar (incarnation) in the form of Parshurama. How was it possible for Lord Rama to be born at the same time when Parshurama was present as well, as both are considered to be incarnations of Lord Narayana?

    We first need to understand what an Avatar is. It is not that an Avatar can only be present at one place and not at another place at the same time. An Avatar simply represents a part of the Divinity. And where would you not find the Div ...
  10. Many great saints, for example Jesus, have died violent deaths. Why is it so?

    Lord Krishna has said this in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘Kleśo 'dhikataras teshām avyaktāsakta-cetasām avyaktā hi gatir dukham dehavadbhir avāpyate’ (Chapter 12 Verse 5) If one worships only the un-manifest aspe ...