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  1. Beloved Gurudev, I usually feel complete only when I am in a relationship. How do I overcome this tendency because I suffer?

    Well, this is very difficult. When you are in a difficult state, then any advice appears to prick you like thorns, and nothing really makes much sense. You have simply asked a question; we sympathize with you. You know, there are five types of questio ...
  2. If someone, whom you know loves and cares for you, doesn’t show it to you anymore, how do you still believe that they do and not get angry with them?

    Give them some time, let them take a break and recharge them self to show you their care back again. People do need a little bit of recharging again and again. You have drawn all that love and attention from them and it needs a little more time to get ...
  3. Can love happen twice? Husband and wife are already in a relationship? Can husband or wife start loving someone else?

    Tell me are you single or married? Ok, so you are single. If you are married and your wife tells you that she loves someone else, then how will you feel? (I will feel bad.) If you flirt with someone else, she will feel the same. Once you decide to get m ...
  4. How do you distinguish between intuitive powers and ego driven power while making a decision?

    Intuitive power is like a gut feeling and to get clear intuitive power you must mediate. Without meditation, your intuition will go haywire; it won’t be intuition at all. ...
  5. Dear Guruji, could you please give me an answer? Is the man I’m in love with since one year is the right one for me?

    Well! You are in deep love with somebody, so that person must be right for now. But whether he continues to be right in future, nobody can say. It depends on you! How you handle. You are in love with some body, but is he in love with you or not? First you ...
  6. Is it possible to love and stay strong? Is it possible to love and stay reasonable? Is it possible to be in love and stay dispassionate? Is it possible to be in love and be free from jealousy and possession?

    Definitely. It is possible to stay in such a state of love without any of these negative connotations with that – if there is wisdom. Love with wisdom is bliss. Love minus wisdom is what you have mentioned; all this jealousy, greed, all this paraphernalia. ...
  7. when there is love, why suffering is also there in a relationship?

    Love with wisdom is bliss. Love without knowledge or wisdom is pain. Why is there pain in love? That is what you are wondering or questioning about! It is not love which is giving you pain. If it is just purely love, that means you just care for someone, y ...