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  1. Gurudev, please comment on the significance of lunar eclipse and the restrictions imposed around this event. It is generally recommended not to look at the moon, and to not eat food for a few hours before the eclipse as it might cause indigestion. Please throw some light on this.

    Yes, you can watch the lunar eclipse, no problem! It is a celestial phenomenon. Only solar eclipse should not be watched with naked eyes. You should wear some glasses because the rays are harmful. Why our ancient people said not to eat at the time of e ...
  2. Nature is giving us everything but why is it so furious against everything in this world. Why natural calamities, earthquakes, floods?

    Natural calamities occur because it is part of its nature. Secondly we have not been utilizing nature properly. We have been too greedy. We put dynamites on earth and blast it every day. One day the earth will shake; the earth is a living organism. ...
  3. Your Nature is Shiva

    Peace is your nature, yet you remain restless. Freedom is your nature, yet you remain in bondage. Happiness is your nature, yet you become miserable for some reason or another. Contentment is your nature, yet you continue to reel in desires. Benevolence i ...