We are excited to announce the long-awaited program
  Intuition Process  

We are excited to announce the long-awaited program

 Intuition Process 

ART EXCEL - All Round Training in Excellence

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YES! - Youth Empowerment Seminar!

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A R T - E X C E L Online
All Round Training in Excellence

For kids age 8-12yrs

To truly excel in life is an art.

ART Excel and the Young Adults’ (YES!) Course are Art of Living programs for children and young people which enable them to handle negative emotions such as fear, anger and frustration in positive ways. These courses also teach vital non-academic skills such as the art of making friends, the secret to popularity, and the value of service to others-all in a supportive, yet challenging and fun atmosphere.

Our toughest critics – the kids themselves – give this program rave reviews.

One of the motivating factors in developing the ART Excel and the Young Adults’ courses is that the formal education of young minds has become a fiercely competitive, almost destructive process. In this context of tension evoked by highly competitive exams, and the pressures of making good grades, the creativity and originality of the children tend to get destroyed. Yet these qualities are critical to nurturing the problem solving skills needed in today’s globally linked workplace.

At Art of Living, we believe that education should be an enjoyable experience, not a stressful one.

A R T - E X C E L
All Round Training in Excellence (Online)

For kids age 8-12yrs

To truly excel in life is an art.

ART Excel and the Young Adults’ (YES!) Course are Art of Living programs for children and young people which enable them to handle negative emotions such as fear, anger and frustration in positive ways. These courses also teach vital non-academic skills such as the art of making friends, the secret to popularity, and the value of service to others-all in a supportive, yet challenging and fun atmosphere.

Our toughest critics – the kids themselves – give this program rave reviews.

One of the motivating factors in developing the ART Excel and the Young Adults’ courses is that the formal education of young minds has become a fiercely competitive, almost destructive process. In this context of tension evoked by highly competitive exams, and the pressures of making good grades, the creativity and originality of the children tend to get destroyed. Yet these qualities are critical to nurturing the problem solving skills needed in today’s globally linked workplace.

At Art of Living, we believe that education should be an enjoyable experience, not a stressful one.

Y E S!
Youth Empowerment Seminar (online)

For Teenager age 13-17

In today’s fast-paced, demanding, and tech-dependent world, too often we hear kids and teens  feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, and excluded/isolated.

Often, life for a teenager is like standing at a crossroad. Whether it is about making career choices or academics or even relationships, a teenager is often wondering if it is right or wrong. Pressures from family and peer pressure leave them confused. Sometimes even if they make choices, they are not sure of themselves. All the confusion, fear and doubts can vanish when you say yes to YES! Here is an opportunity for teenagers which will empower them to say YES to life. No matter how many crossroads they have to face, they will always know which road to take. It is a fun and challenging life-skills program that provides young adults with practical knowledge and effective tools to reduce stress, manage emotions, and develop social and leadership skills. The program also helps teens to talk about problems that they face – whether it is relationships, substance abuse or peer pressure. The stress-elimination techniques taught in the YES! course help teens to deal with these challenges.

Y E S!
Youth Empowerment Seminar (Online)

In today’s fast-paced, demanding, and tech-dependent world, too often we hear kids and teens feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, and excluded/isolated.

Often, life for a teenager is like standing at a crossroad. Whether it is about making career choices or academics or even relationships, a teenager is often wondering if it is right or wrong. Pressures from family and peer pressure leave them confused. Sometimes even if they make choices, they are not sure of themselves. All the confusion, fear and doubts can vanish when you say yes to YES! Here is an opportunity for teenagers which will empower them to say YES to life.

No matter how many crossroads they have to face, they will always know which road to take.

It is a fun and challenging life-skills program that provides young adults with practical knowledge and effective tools to reduce stress, manage emotions, and develop social and leadership skills.

The program also helps teens to talk about problems that they face – whether it is relationships, substance abuse or peer pressure. The stress-elimination techniques taught in the YES! course help teens to deal with these challenges.

Y E S - 2
Youth Empowerment Seminar

For Teenager age 13-17

Kids often face challenging situations and decisions during their teenage years. Their actions and habits ultimately define their character and future beyond their teens.

Give them the opportunity at an early age to develop and enhance leadership skills which will serve them into adulthood. Yes! 2 can help shape your teen into dynamic and powerful leaders of the future.

YES! 2 is a powerful, fun, challenging and interactive leadership program which allows children of the ages 13 to 18 years to delve deep into that self-examination, identifying what stops them from achieving their own goals and how they can easily overcome these barriers to becoming the best version of themselves.

A pre-requisite of the program is that they are graduates of the YES! (Youth Empowerment Seminar Program)

Yes! 2 Program

Graduates of the YES! Program will have learnt the building blocks of effective leadership and also some stress elimination techniques that help them to manage and enhance their overall well-being.

During the YES! 2 program participants enhance those learning’s and practices through advanced techniques and they are challenged to go beyond their pre-conceived notion of their self and expand their abilities.

They will experience the power of silence, through gentle guidance and encouragement by connecting to themselves spending time in introspection with nature which is often lacking in a world full of distractions to discover the power and potential that lies within them. Allowing them to believe in their own abilities. Participants also explore the joy of sharing and serving others in a dynamic environment and how it can be blended into one’s own life. Giving them a chance to bring transformation in society through their leadership via an experiential glimpse into this aspect of personal development. It helps them develop an attitude of competing with themselves, being a better me rather than being better than someone else. This lays a foundation for a lifetime of success as each human being is unique and is talented.

Y E S - 2
Youth Empowerment Seminar

For Teenager age 13-17

Kids often face challenging situations and decisions during their teenage years. Their actions and habits ultimately define their character and future beyond their teens.

Give them the opportunity at an early age to develop and enhance leadership skills which will serve them into adulthood. Yes! 2 can help shape your teen into dynamic and powerful leaders of the future.

YES! 2 is a powerful, fun, challenging and interactive leadership program which allows children of the ages 13 to 18 years to delve deep into that self-examination, identifying what stops them from achieving their own goals and how they can easily overcome these barriers to becoming the best version of themselves.

A pre-requisite of the program is that they are graduates of the YES! (Youth Empowerment Seminar Program)

Graduates of the YES! Program will have learnt the building blocks of effective leadership and also some stress elimination techniques that help them to manage and enhance their overall well-being.

During the YES! 2 program participants enhance those learning’s and practices through advanced techniques and they are challenged to go beyond their pre-conceived notion of their self and expand their abilities.

They will experience the power of silence, through gentle guidance and encouragement by connecting to themselves spending time in introspection with nature which is often lacking in a world full of distractions to discover the power and potential that lies within them. Allowing them to believe in their own abilities. Participants also explore the joy of sharing and serving others in a dynamic environment and how it can be blended into one’s own life. Giving them a chance to bring transformation in society through their leadership via an experiential glimpse into this aspect of personal development. It helps them develop an attitude of competing with themselves, being a better me rather than being better than someone else. This lays a foundation for a lifetime of success as each human being is unique and is talented.

Intuition Process


It is the ability of the mind to perceive beyond the five senses and delve into the sixth sense. Intuition is the right thought, as well as the right action, at the right time. Having a strong and well-developed intuition helps you take good decisions and communicate better. Intuition leads to discovery and innovation. Since this is something inherent and not evident in our daily lives, the question of how to develop intuition becomes relevant and interesting.

Throughout our life, we learn that intelligence is based on our intellect. At school it matters how good we are at maths, how fast we can memorize, how good our grades are. School teaches us to study stimulating our brain. Society often denies the impact of instinct, our emotional, artistic intelligence. Both are important.

But what if there is a third aspect of intelligence? 

A hidden power within ourselves which allows us to tap into our full potential, to blossom fully and to bring harmony between intellectual thinking and creativity. The Art of Living Intuition Process teaches simple and profound techniques which allow children and youth to unlock the inner power of Intuition. Intuition is the faculty of knowing or understanding something without the need for conscious reasoning or proof. Specific Art of Living techniques on brain activation and meditation enable participants to access, cultivate and maintain their inherent intuitive capacity. These special techniques can be practiced daily at home after the two-day program.

Intuition Process


It is the ability of the mind to perceive beyond the five senses and delve into the sixth sense. Intuition is the right thought, as well as the right action, at the right time. Having a strong and well-developed intuition helps you take good decisions and communicate better. Intuition leads to discovery and innovation. Since this is something inherent and not evident in our daily lives, the question of how to develop intuition becomes relevant and interesting.

Throughout our life, we learn that intelligence is based on our intellect. At school it matters how good we are at maths, how fast we can memorize, how good our grades are. School teaches us to study stimulating our brain. Society often denies the impact of instinct, our emotional, artistic intelligence. Both are important.

But what if there is a third aspect of intelligence? 

A hidden power within ourselves which allows us to tap into our full potential, to blossom fully and to bring harmony between intellectual thinking and creativity. The Art of Living Intuition Process teaches simple and profound techniques which allow children and youth to unlock the inner power of Intuition. Intuition is the faculty of knowing or understanding something without the need for conscious reasoning or proof. Specific Art of Living techniques on brain activation and meditation enable participants to access, cultivate and maintain their inherent intuitive capacity. These special techniques can be practiced daily at home after the two-day program.