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  1. Can you please give us a glimpse of Satya Yuga (The Golden Age), how do people live?

    That is what we are doing here. What do you think we are doing? Are we not having fun; are we not happy? Look at everybody’s face, everyone has a big smile. If someone does not then they are simply shut off for a little while. This is Satya Yuga ...
  2. Dearest Guruji, could you speak more about the Rishis you were mentioning in the last two days. Who were they and what were their lives like? Is their message relevant for our modern lives?

    Absolutely! Rishis are those meditators who were in deep meditation millions of years ago. They were the scientists of those days and they had the spirit of enquiry. Saints and scientists are not two, they were one. So in ancient days, since there we ...
  3. Is it worthwhile studying astrology? Will we ever know enough?

    Astrology is a science. But in some way, it is a lost science. The complete knowledge is not available, so whatever knowledge they have is 70 to 80 percent. They are able to predict something about it. But there is one clause astrologers always give ...
  4. What caused the big bang?

    There was matter. Without matter big bang cannot happen. What would bang on what? Even for something to bang on each other there needs to be something. A mass, a field, energy, so that field of energy was never created nor destroyed but there was only tran ...
  5. Gurudev, how and why did the tulsi (holy basil) plant come into existence on earth, and why is it dear to Lord Krishna?

    Because we had to come to this earth, plants came into existence first so that we could come. In our country anything that is beneficial to life and which enhances the prana-shakti has been considered sacred. Tulsi as well as lemon has been considered ...
  6. Gurudev, when we do Sandhya Vandan in the evening, the sun is in the west. Then why do we do jaap (chanting) facing north?

    After sunset the greatest power is of the magnetic poles, the north and south pole. For as long as the sun is there, the power is in the direction of the sun, but after sun set the energy of the north and south pole is dominant. That is why when doing Sand ...
  7. Gurudev, why are there seven days a week and twelve months in a year throughout the globe in all communities?

    It had started in the Vedic time in India. The ‘zero’, the ‘seven days’ and the ‘twelve months’ were first given here in India. Then Egypt copied it from India and from there it went all over the world. In India there are seven major planets ...
  8. What is the meaning of ‘Shiva linga’?

    ‘Linga’ means symbol or identification. You identify whether a child is male or female by one symbol. The reproductive organ is also called ‘linga’ because by that you identify the gender of the child when it is born. So ‘Linga’ is a symbol that ...
  9. Is ‘tapas’ (penance) essential on the path? Is there anything amiss in preferring comforts and enjoying them yet being on the path?

    ‘Tapas’ makes you strong physically, mentally and emotionally. It expands your ability to endure. It makes you more self-reliant and independent. That is why ‘tapas’ is very essential. ...
  10. Jai Guru Dev, if we are all nothing but waves which go back to the ocean then what is the significance of energies like Yamaraja and Chitragupta in time and space?

    This is a very deep understanding about Chitragupta. Our consciousness has records of all that is happening, what we call akashic records. Now, in this place, there are one thousand television channels right here. If you take a very powerful tele ...