Art of Living Foundation in Argentina Keeps hands stretched for the needy after the floods.

9th of May 2013
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On April 2nd, intense storms during days devastated La Plata city in Argentina leaving as never seen before, taking the life of hundreds and destroying homes and offices creating high losses. The citizens and the whole country was taken a back as the La Plata river, the widest delta of the world, rose the water went into the buildings reaching 1.80 meters high. Hundreds have fled their homes and take refuge in welfare centers, losing everything they had.

The Art of Living Volunteers adopted a multi-path approach to bring relief to the victims affected by the flood and is still active helping. 14 highly populated districts were taken over handling 17 trucks loads of donations: food, diapers, water, bleach, cleaning supplies, mattresses medicines and furniture. These 10 tons arrived in La Plata from headquarters of The Art of Living Foundation throughout Argentina.

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600 Volunteers from around the country traveled to La Plata, staying during 15 days working in many cases with water up to the waste and mud to their knees in order to visit the houses of the evacuees, to help to clean up, and to bring emotional and material support. Doctors and nurses helped and volunteers teachers organized trauma relief programs in the shelters, guiding also public meditations. The other volunteers distributed food and clothing, and cleaned until late in the night helping as many as possible some times 17 hours per day, but feeling extremely happy.

The trauma relief courses have been offered by The Art of Living in shelters organized by the government as well as in The Art of Living centers of La Plata in 12 neighborhoods. The victims have been able to calm their emotions, relieve stress and fear and recover hope for the future. A sense of community develops in them and encourages them to rebuild their lives and support each other. The Art of Living Trauma Relief Programs will continue through out the year.

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