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  1. It is very good to be here in your presence. I have two questions for you. Because there are lots of disasters happening around the world every day, what made you feel this urge to come to Norway? Second question is, what do you think Norway can contribute with this experience and what kind of effect does this experience have on the world?

    You know I have been saying the world is my family from a very young age. I don’t remember what age, maybe at eight or nine or ten, I have been saying the whole world is my family. So when any disaster happens in some part of my family it is my duty to go ...
  2. It is an honor to be able to ask you a question. Is it possible to create a just work within the monetary system that we have today with a profit motive?

    My answer would be yes! It is possible to have ethics and business together. It is possible to have compassion and convenience together. ...
  3. I think it’s really amazing and it touches me that you have chosen to come and sit with us. Time has been very difficult in our life and my question is that when you wake up one day and you see that society has changed in a bitter way, in a way that you never expected, what is the best way to continue that day?

    You know in society there are all different types of people. We should not label society, as this is what it is, right! So now you saw the demonstration of love was so obvious. Not that it was not there but before it was there underneath. So we cannot labe ...
  4. Everyone to give at least 3% of their earning for social projects; we must share

    We need to know from everyone. Perception has to be multi-direction. One-sided vision will not have so from various angles when we see a situation we become richer in our understanding. Why not we do an exercise?! Can we just turn to the person next to us ...
  5. Is there any such thing like we have done something wrong and that is why we have to suffer now and maybe after we die? If we do something wrong now, do we have to suffer next life?

    First of all you must know that those who died they have no suffering, they died finished. Suffering ends with death; got it. Don’t think they are suffering. It is the people who are still here, they are suffering. Those who are dead they are at peace, tho ...
  6. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    You see if you listen to your own mind, your consciousness will tell you what it is that you need; your inside tells you. When you are tired what do you need? Rest. When you are thirsty what do you need? Water. When you are hungry you need food. When your ...
  7. Gurudev, how can I control anger?

    Tell me when do you get angry? (Ans – when something happens which I don’t like) Yes, now tell me in the world only those things that you like should happen? How boring it should be, isn’t it. See when you cannot accommodate imperfections that is when you ...
  8. I was wondering if God is the universe and that is why there is God in all of us, why all this drama, why all these motions?

    Listen, do you watch movies? Yes. Now suppose you talk to a director and tell the director, why do you want a villain in your movie? Why you want all these thrills? You should have just made everything very smooth. What would he say? A boy was there and a ...