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  1. Gurudev, what is the meaning of Dakshinamurthy?

    Amurtha means that which has no form and cannot be expressed; that which cannot be seen. Lord Shiva, the formless manifestation of infinite space, cannot take a form. It is nearly impossible. Murthy(literally meaning an ...
  2. Gurudev, how to live life with absolute confidence that Guru or God is there to take care of me when I have surrendered?

    There is no way you can do it! You simply have to bear the cross. ‘Whatever happens, happens’, just say that and then see what happens. If you're trying to bring in confidence, it doesn't work at all. ‘I want to keep my faith’, what faith d ...
  3. The Guru-Disciple Relationship

    Have you noticed when you find something beautiful, or when you love something? You want to hold on to it and possess it. Trying to possess love robs the beauty in love and makes love ugly. Then, that same love gives you pain. Whenever you love somebody, ...
  4. If God is omnipresent and one feels strong connection to the Guru, is it still needed to go to temples. What is the significance of rituals?

    See, you do not need to go to any temple, mosques, or churches or anything. Wherever you are, sit and meditate, there you find the presence of the Divine.But rituals are good to have in life; a little bit of them. Not too much. Without rituals, life b ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, is having a Guru mandatory to experience the state of enlightenment?

    Is it necessary for you to ask this question and for me to answer? You have asked the question, now if I answer, then we are caught! Got it? If you ask a question and you think I know the answer, then I am already a Guru and you are already a student. ...
  6. How should a disciple be with the Guru so that he can understand the Guru completely and receive the knowledge from the Guru?

    By being natural (sahajta). You should be with a guru the same way as you are with your close ones; i.e. with naturalness. ...
  7. Gurudev, yesterday you said that Lord Krishna is Kartikeya among the Devas. Please tell us a little about Kartikeya.

    When the five elements governed by Lord Shiva (Panch Mahabhoota - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether) united with Shakti (Pure Consciousness), Lord Kartikeya was born. Shiva is called Panchaanana – Lord with five he ...
  8. Sometimes I wonder, I have so many unending desires and you keep on fulfilling them. This makes me smile. How to get rid of hankering over desires Gurudev?

    You know your desires are getting fulfilled, that is enough. Be busy in fulfilling the desires of others, not your own desires. See, what is the significance of the Guru Disciple Tradition? It is for the Disciple to realize that desires are endl ...
  9. I felt very bad to see you cry on Guru Purnima Day.

    No, tears do not come only because one is troubled; tears also come out of love. I was just reflecting everybody there. Everybody there was crying, so tears came out of this body also. On Guru Purnima, everybody was filled with so much gratitude, ...
  10. Gurudev, can the Guru change the karma of a person, and when does that happen?

    If a Guru alone could change the karma of a person then he would have changed the karma of everybody in one stroke. No, you have to do some effort as well. Guru can definitely relieve you of your sins. When you commit a sin and you realize that y ...