
Search results

  1. Why do you allow singing during silence?

    Singing in some strange way brings certain calmness to the mind. There are courses where we don’t sing and we go into deeper silence. That is in an advanced stage. This is the beginning, where you are just keeping silence for three to four days. In th ...
  2. What does silence mean?

    (Guruji kept silent for a couple of seconds)… got it?! ...
  3. Jai Gurudev Guruji. What is moun and how to follow it? What are things that we should avoid during moun?

    Moun means silence. You are mixing English and Hindi. How to be in silence? First, by not talking and second is antar moun, quieting the mind. For that when you sit in an advanced course a number dharanas or pratyahara are given. A number of tec ...
  4. Silence

    Prayer within breath Is silence Love within Infinity Is silence Wisdom without word Is silence Compassion without aim Is silence Action without doer Is silence Smiling with all the Existence Is silence! ...
  5. The Goal Of All Answers

    Some questions can be answered only in Silence. Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind it is "no" answer. Thoughts are not the goal in themselves. Their goal is Silence. When you ask the question "Who am ...
  6. Quote

    You are solidified silence, awareness. A thousand hours of speech cannot equal one glance: a hundred glances cannot equal a minute of silence.   ...
  7. Quote

    Deep silence is the mother of creativity. No creativity can come out of one who is too busy, worried, over-ambitious or lethargic.   ...
  8. Quote

    Purpose of words is to create silence. Purpose of action is to bring deep rest. Purpose of deep rest is to bring you fulfillment. In fulfillment you find joy, bliss.   ...
  9. Quote

    Soul to soul communication is silence.   ...
  10. Silence

    Prayer within breath is silence, love within infinity is silence, Wisdom without word is silence, compassion without aim is silence, action without doer is silence, smiling with all existence is silence ...