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  1. Religion has become an obstacle in my life. I cannot move forward. What should I do?

    Never mind. Move from religion to spirituality. You are a spiritual being, and that is good enough. Every religion has some nice things to offer. Take a little bit from all the religions in the world and move on. You don’t have to be stuck with it. Don’t w ...
  2. When was the last time you felt sorrow or sadness and what was your experience with letting it go?

    Every time I see someone miserable, I feel it. I feel for them. They could have been much happier. For no reason they are miserable. The recent tsunami in the Himalayas was a very tragic one. Our Art of Living volunteers are there and are working day a ...
  3. Gurudev, one bad incident rocks the whole nation, but why do many good things happening around go unnoticed without even creating a ripple?

    Agitation needs some such bad event. People are ready to agitate easily. This is because stress is already there and that stress wants an outlet. So agitation becomes a very easy thing to do. If we call for an agitation, you will see everybody will joi ...
  4. What is the major problem that needs to be solved here in Europe?

    What I hear about Europe is that 30% to 40% of the population is getting depressed. So many people are taking Prozac and so many children are getting autism. This is a matter of concern. We need to attend to this. That is why meditation, Sudarshan Kri ...
  5. Swami Nithyananda spoiled the Hindu culture and ever since people are skeptical to enter Ashrams. Why did the Divine allow him to do such a sin? I am very pained when it comes to this.

    This is nothing new. This is a tradition that has been going on. In the Ramayan, Sita was also misled by a Sannyasi (Saint). Ravana knew that Sita would believe him if he disguised himself as a Sannyasi. The Vijayanagar Empi ...
  6. How is the India that you visualize in your dreams, especially in the field of education, defense, economy and finance?

    I have the dream of a clean and beautiful society, where there is no crime. Small countries like Bhutan, Switzerland and Ireland have so much peace. At one point of time, India had all these. Lord Macaulay had said, ‘I have traveled across ...
  7. Gurudev, recently there has been a lot of issues with regard to power supply. How do we tackle this issue?

    There was a person who had come here to explain how he could turn garbage into electricity. I have encouraged him to do this in Karnataka too. He needs a thousand kilograms of garbage of any kind, which he converts into electricity. We will see how it goes ...
  8. Does the Art of Living support the Anna movement?

    Art of Living is a founding member of the IAC (India Against Corruption) movement. We are standing against corruption from the beginning and our efforts are ongoing. I appeal to Annaji and to his team to drop the fast. Your efforts are very much r ...
  9. Dear Guruji, can you please comment on religious extremism? Why are people drawn to these narrow and dogmatic positions? How should we discuss with them, if at all?

    Lack of spirituality, lack of experience. That is why we need to encourage broad thinking and reasoning. In the Bhagavad Gita, after giving all the verses, in the end Lord Krishna says, ‘Now you reason out all what I have said. Take it only if it appe ...