Violence-Free and Stress-Free


Simply put, any service or program provided through Art of Living Foundation seeks to create a stress-free, violence-free society, ultimately demonstrating that service by service, act by act, such a peaceful society is possible!

The Art of Living Foundation is the largest volunteer-based NGO in the world. The enthusiasm of people who have done our programs is inspiration that fuels the growth of the organization, in Canada and worldwide.  The teachers of the Art of Living programs are volunteers as are the organizers of our courses all across the country.

In addition to the extraordinary commitment and dedication of people volunteering within the course and projects of the Art of Living, many of our graduates work with the wider community to support the needs of local people and bring celebration and peace.

Service can last months or weeks, but it can even be offered for one day.The Art of Living Foundation embodies the idea that, large or small, all acts of service are great. Our initiatives demonstrate how support, peace and positive social change is achieved through both ongoing and short-term initiatives.


TRAUMA RELIEF FUND Make a Difference Contribute to Art of Living Foundation’s Trauma Relief Fund and join the movement