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  1. We were studying about the Vaisheshika Darshana (one of the six orthodox schools of Hinduism from ancient India). Could you speak on how the ancient saints knew so much scientific knowledge without any instruments like a microscope?

    I think it is mind boggling.This morning I was reading a book by a scientist who has written about the physics in the Vaisheshika Darshan. I just read a couple of sutras and thought, this is mind boggling.The Rishis in the anci ...
  2. A Way To Increase Your Magnanimity

    (Below is a continuation of post Changing The Other) How does one know if something is coming from one’s head or heart? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The heart is stronger than the head. Anything that comes from the heart comes with passion; anything that comes f ...
  3. How does one know if something is coming from one’s head or heart?

    The heart is stronger than the head. Anything that comes from the heart comes with passion; anything that comes from the head comes with ambition. Sometimes, both together, can bring up your feelings, emotions and thoughts. Do business with your ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, is astrology always true?

    Astrology is a road map only. What you are sitting here for, meditation and spirituality, is one step higher than astrology. Spirituality has the power to bestow and grant wishes. Astrology only predicts what might happen, not what will happen. ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, yesterday you said that Shiva is formless, but we have heard stories of Shiva and Parvati in their physical form.

    It is not their physical form, it is the subtle form. In the subtle dimension there are many manifestations.It is one energy; that energy becomes light and in light there are different colors. Yet all these colors are only light and light simply m ...
  6. My daughter has married a boy from another religion. My wife holds me responsible for this, since it was my idea to send her for further studies. How is this my fault, what position do I take and how do I get out of all this?

    Everyone has to get out of here, some day. Until one leaves, keep smiling, keep good relations and give love to everyone. Make everyone happy. Tell your daughter not to leave her religion. She should continue to have faith in her religion and al ...
  7. Changing The Other

    How to change someone’s nature? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why do you want to change someone else’s nature? If you want to change someone’s nature because what they are doing is troubling you, then it is never going to change! However, if we wish that they cha ...
  8. Gurudev, do you have a plan for every devotee? Do you really have a plan for me as well?

    Absolutely! Just be on the track; keep smiling and serving. And you have choices as well. Whatever you choose, with a broader, long-term vision, I am with you for that. ...
  9. Why is Vishad Yoga the name of the first chapter in The Bhagavad Gita? Is Vishad (misery) necessary to gain true knowledge? Does misery result in negative or positive progress?

    When a person goes through misery, it awakens him, and then leads him to experiences knowledge. This is why it is called Vishad. In Vishad, one keeps on seeing everything as not right. It is like a negative cloud that surrou ...
  10. Gurudev, how do we motivate ourselves to study?

    When you say you want to be motivated, it means you are already motivated. You don’t need someone extra, someone outside to motivate you.If you feel that you don’t have motivation, it means that you want to be motivated further. You ha ...