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  1. Dear Gurudev, we are made to meditate every day in school, but I don’t feel like doing it. Can you please motivate me?

    Remember one thing, meditation helps you to be more happy and enthusiastic. Have you seen babies? Sometimes they don’t want to eat food? If they don’t eat, won’t they become weak? Then the mother forces the baby to eat food. Similarly, ...
  2. God gave darshan (visitation) to saints. Can you please tell us more about this?

    Yes, the consciousness is a field of all possibilities. When something happens in the gross, it is because there is something happening in the subtle field also. There are three levels of consciousness; the gross body, the subtle body and the ca ...
  3. How to change someone’s nature?

    Why do you want to change someone else’s nature? If you want to change someone’s nature because what they are doing is troubling you, then it is never going to change! However, if we wish that they change their nature because it will harm th ...
  4. Meditation For A Fresh Mind

    (Below is a continuation of post What Makes A Great Warrior) Dear Gurudev, I know that it is a recommended not to think during meditation, but all my best ideas come to me exactly when I sit for meditation in the morning. I don’t want to miss them and so ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, I want to win a minimum of 10 million Euros from the national lottery. I will give 90% to different Art of Living projects. Please somehow send me the correct lotto numbers to make this happen.

    If you want to donate 90%, then you should work hard and earn that money. That’s a better way to do it. Don’t look for easy money. Easy money will go away easily as well. There is ethics in spirituality also. If the coach himself is ...
  6. Can we alter our time of death by taking better care of ourselves and by praying. Or when it’s time to go, no one can alter that?

    This is a mystery. There is a possibility to extend life if the soul desires it. But that should be an innate desire from the soul and not from someone else. Sometimes, someone else’s desire can also work, but that is only sometimes. This ...
  7. Please talk about Yagnas and the effect they have on us.

    Yagnas are an ancient science that work on the subtle level of consciousness. If you open a transistor, you will find a circuit diagram on a piece of metal chip. Our cell phone chips have this too. In the same way, there are certain diagrams whi ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, isn’t it an addiction to do sadhana every morning instead of making breakfast for my husband, or meeting friends, or watching TV and playing with my grandson?

    You doing mediation is in no way contradicting you making breakfast for your husband or for yourself. It’s not an alternative for breakfast. Meditation is not a choice for breakfast. This is like asking, should I use the toilet or should I brush m ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, I know that it is a recommended not to think during meditation, but all my best ideas come to me exactly when I sit for meditation in the morning. I don’t want to miss them and so I let my mind work during meditation. Am I doing something wrong.

    It is quite natural that when you are more relaxed great ideas come to you. Write them down but don’t stop mediation, continue. For some of you morning meditation is deeper, and for some others afternoon is better. For some body types, the ...
  10. Practice Being Content

    Deep rest is the essence of sadhana. You have become so tired by doing something or the other all the time. Now just sit down for some time and to be with yourself. Do some meditation. When you meditate, you will start seeing a new world in front of you.Y ...