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  1. Gurudev, we have the Rudra Puja and Vishnu Puja in our tradition, but why is it that we do not have any practice of Brahma Puja (worship of Lord Brahma)?

    Well, that is because Lord Brahma’s task of creating the Creation is over (laughter). Lord Brahma is present in Lord Shiva, and Lord Brahma is also present in Lord Vishnu. He (Lord Brahma) resides in everything. So when you worship Lord Vis ...
  2. Why do we have so many Gods in Hinduism. Is there any scientific reason behind that?

    Do you know how many chromosomes there are in your body in total? Have you ever wondered how one cell develops into this very complex body? It is because it is programmed to do so, but it is just one cell.If you go to a pastry shop, how many types ...
  3. Rudrabhishekam- The Ancient Sounds

    Rudrabhishek is an ancient chanting which was downloaded from the Akasha (space). When the ancient sages sat in meditation, they heard these sounds (of the mantras), and they started transferring to other people what they heard (and that is how the Rudrab ...
  4. Significance Of Mahashivratri

    Celebrating the Peace Within is Shivaratri Mahashivaratri is the day when the Shiva Tattva touches the earth. The consciousness, the aura or the ethereal world which is always ten inches above the material ground, touches the earth element on the day of M ...
  5. Who Is Shiva?

    Shiva- The Cause Of All Causes Shiva can be split as Sha + ee + va where • Sha stands for shareeram or body •  Ee stands for eeshwara or life giving energy •  Va stands for vayu or motion Thus Shiva represents the body with life and motion. If the ' ...
  6. Gurudev, we sing devotional songs in praise of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna. But back home, the people there consume Bhaang (a type of Indian narcotic incorrectly thought to please Lord Shiva) while they sing praises of Lord Shiva. And then there are stories of Lord Krishna getting married to 16,000 ladies. How should one understand all this?

    See, if Lord Shiva consumed Bhaang, then he also consumed the poison that came from churning the cosmic ocean. So should we also drink poison first, and then see if we stay alive to drink Bhaang? Do not misunderstand all these things. Lord S ...
  7. Gurudev, in Nepal, Lord Shiva is worshiped in the form of Pashupati Nath. What is the meaning of the word 'Pashupati'?

    Pashu (Hindi word for animal) means one that is tied down by something or is stuck in bondage. Paash is something like a rope; it is that something that ties you down or restricts you. There are eight kinds of Paash and so there are ...
  8. Gurudev, how can we keep our faith in Gods and Goddesses if we follow the knowledge of advaita?

    Advaita is knowing that everything is composed of and illumined by the same light (here referring to One Divinity or One supreme Consciousness).To worship and honor different Gods and Goddesses is similar to expressing the understandin ...
  9. After completing the course I am very attracted to this picture. There is a Goddess and there’s Shiva on the left and Ganesha on the right. How to understand the picture?

    I also liked the picture and that’s why we have put it there. It is a picture of Kashi Vishalakshi. She has the son in one hand and the husband in the other. She also has a japa mala (rosary) and a kamandala (water pot).Kaman ...