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  1. Gurudev, Vibheeshana was discredited in spite of having supported Lord Rama. He is branded as a traitor. This does not seem appropriate! Why so?

    Vibheeshana is a unique example of someone who was caught in a dilemma whether to support righteousness (dharma) or his people. He chose to renounce his brother in favour of dharma. See, in all these stories take only that which you need. What is the poin ...
  2. Gurudev, today is Dashehra. Although we celebrate this festival of victory of good over evil every year, what should we do so that this victory is truly feasible?

    First one has to have confidence that this victory is possible. If we think that this is kaliyuga, and it is not possible for good to gain victory over evil and only the reverse happens, evil wins over good here then this kind of mind-set is most dangerous ...
  3. When you feel at a stage there is no point in doing any seva, mind is not even interested in doing sadhana, a sense of dryness has come in life, that’s when you pray.

    God is invisible and is untouched by any karma. Though he lives in every human being, in every embodied living being, in their heart, he is not afflicted by the karma. How? Like the space; in the space clouds come, smoke come and they go but the space itse ...
  4. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    The heartbeat increases before exams? It is nothing. Take deep ujjayi breaths in and release and say ‘Jai Guru Dev’. Everything will be alright. Is that true or not? How many of you get all what you want; things happen? Very good! ...
  5. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    Did you like seeing the Guru in your dream? You liked it very much, right! Good! See I find it easier to hug in a dream, so I hug everyone in dreams! Are you happy? So much change has come about in you since then, so much has been erased. All unwanted thin ...
  6. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    What, you are stuck in the past? Where did you get stuck? So I will answer it in the future. Wait for the future. If you want to get out of the past, then look at the future. I will say that I will answer in four months, so you keep waiting for four months ...
  7. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    But I don’t want you to live like a bird. I want that you should be like a lion. Okay that you came here as a bird, but leave like a lion, and there is a lot of work to be done in this world. ...
  8. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    Give it here. You come and give it to me. Why do you want to handle it? We will handle it with care for you. If you want we will return it back to you also. You just leave it here, dump it here. After all, why does an ashram exist, why is there a guru? So ...
  9. Gurudev, is there a secret relationship between enlightened masters and Physics? You have studied quantum physics, and Sri Bramhanand Saraswati also graduated in Physics from Allahabad University. Is there a connection between studying Physics and the chance of enlightenment?

    Listen; are you a student of Physics? If you are that is great! If not, don’t be sorry! Students of Arts can also get enlightened, no problem. Yes, Lord Krishna also says that first gain knowledge of the elements. Meaning we never considered physical scien ...
  10. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    Why are you asking this question? Yes, it is the same thing. We give meaning to words. Sadguru is one who takes us towards truth. Now you can have a guru for veena or violin. You can have a guru for football also. One who teaches you karate can also be ca ...