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  1. I’m confused as to who I am, how can I be more natural? How can I be myself and develop a strong sense of self? Is it ok to be very different than other people?

    Confusion is a very good temporary state. Do you know when do you get confused? When you grow! When a particular concept in your mind just falls apart, breaks apart. You thought you were somebody, and that concept breaks so then there is confusion. So, it ...
  2. How can I concentrate on my workload? I get so upset and disturb at times with customers complaints, which are totally not true.

    what’s great is when you can smile at complaints. You have achieved something if you can smile at Complaints. Complaints are opinions. Listen to them carefully and if there is something good in it then you can take or if it’s an outcome of prejudiced or bi ...
  3. I’m not strong enough to take a commitment for whole one year. What can I do?

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Not strong enough? Take one day at a time. You are strong enough to take commitment for one day, and that is enough. And each day you can continue doing it. Don’t think of one long year, “oh my God! One year I’ve to do some ...
  4. How to deal with and work with the people who have negative qualities like aggression, jealousy, instability and so on?

    Skillfully. See that you don’t react to them but with compassion, see how you can work with them. Yeah? One thing is it can improve your skills. Second is it can improve your patience. You can gain patience. Third is it will make you realize that the perso ...
  5. How can you find a purpose for living if you have lost your self-respect?

    The Self is not lost, so the self-respect is not lost. Come on, wake up. You are loved and accepted by many. You are a precious flower of this planet. Do something useful. Do not think only about yourself. ...