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  1. Dear Gurudev, for the past 9 months, I have been feeling spiritually disconnected. There is no interest, no practice, no seva, and no longing. This has become quite painful. Any advice?

    Such things can happen to people, this is called the Dark night of the soul. Suddenly, you lose interest in spirituality, or anything that is good. Your mind goes into things which are really not evolutionary, or may get into a destructive mode. Such ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, why do people seem to love your feet so much? Is it a cultural thing?

    Yes, it is a cultural thing. In Japan, they bend half to greet people. In India, they bend fully and touch the feet. It is said that radiation, energy, comes from the feet. That is the old belief system, which is why they do it. Sometimes, that m ...
  3. What are the five koshas? What is their spiritual significance?

    Kosha means sheath, covering. The first sheath is the environment. If the atmosphere is filled with poisonous gas, can your body exist? No! Because there is air, your body can exist. So, the environment is your first body. Annarasam ...
  4. Since I joined The Art of Living, you have taken care of all my worries. My only question is, why is it that whenever I see you, my eyes are always full of tears?

    That is correct. That is how it is. In one of the Upanishads, they have spoken about, what happens when you have a sight of the beloved. When you come in touch with wisdom, your heart opens, and when the heart opens, all the doubts in the mind di ...
  5. Gurudev, can we teach at our Orissa University?

    Yes, you could write to the Vice Chancellor. Do you know, we will be starting an Osteopathy College there? It has come up very nicely. Even our Ayurveda College is doing very well. It has received six distinctions, out of ten. Do you know, it is know ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, what is the indication that we are moving towards the Self?

    You need not move towards the Self, the Self is already there, everywhere. There is something in you that is unfazed, that stays solid; that is the Self. ...
  7. I give generously to my loved ones. But often I find myself taking care of others, before taking care of myself, and then I have regret and resentment. How do I give in a healthier way?

    Listen, you seem to have too much free time. Why you think so much? You want to give, then give and forget about it! There is a saying in Hindi, ‘Neki kar aur dariya mein daal’, which means, do good deeds and then drop them in the ocean. ...
  8. Does chocolate block naadis?

    I don’t know about chocolates. You ask some nutritionists. Too much of anything is no good. Anyways, what I would say is, don’t bring me chocolates or any sweet for that matter. You smile, that is good enough. I find so many people bringing sweets, ch ...
  9. Guruvdev, you mentioned Sanskrit as the source for these names. What are the other names that come from Sanskrit?

    Do you know all the months’ names are in Sanskrit? Until a few centuries ago, the New Year always began in March, when the Sun moves to the first point of Aries. However, King George of London decided to celebrate January 1 as the New Year. Although he ...
  10. What are the names of the Saptarishis?

    Sapta or the seven rishis are, Kashyapa, Athri, Vashishta, Bharadvaja, Gautama, Jamadagni and Vishwamitra. ...