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  1. Gurudev, will this joy that I am experiencing now in the Ashram continue when I go back home?

    It’s for you to keep the lamp lit. It is your challenge to keep this joy. How will you keep it? By listening to this knowledge and refreshing yourself with this knowledge. Everyday listen to a talk about knowledge or read a book on knowledge for a few ...
  2. Beloved Guruji, can I come to the planet every time when you are here? Please carry me along wherever you go.

    Okay! I will do that. I come after long gaps. You may have to come sometime in between too. ...
  3. Gurudev, how do you want us to spend the remaining of our life? As a follower or a devotee?

    Do you think devotees are not followers or followers are not devotees? It is better not to label yourself as something. I want you to be happy, content and wish for the highest knowledge, for the ultimate. Move forward with your focus on the ulti ...
  4. Gurudev, sometimes when I feel that I have overcome a bad habit, a bad thought, a bad feeling or a bad mental state and when I acknowledge the same and think, ‘yes I achieved this’, immediately some kind of challenge comes in front of me. What is this?

    Stop connecting your thought, ‘I have achieved this’ with not achieving it. Sometimes you think, ‘I want to do this’ and it does not happen. Many times your determination becomes weak. Someone else’s sankalpa wins over. So it is best not to analy ...
  5. Gurudev, we know that we should do sadhana regularly, but sometimes it becomes very boring to do it. What to do at such times?

    Exercises are always boring but we know for our good health we have to do it. Like eating is boring, but still we eat. Sadhana is boring but still we should do it. Make it a routine, sit for a few minutes, do some rounds of bhastrika. Sometimes yo ...
  6. Gurudev, last two days in the TRM I have heard so much knowledge from you. How do I retain this so that when the right time comes, I can apply it?

    I tell you do not doubt yourself. This is self-doubt, ‘I heard, but will this become practical, will this happen in life or not’, this doubt you should not have. Like you learned in nursery school, 2 + 2 = 4, once you learn it, then it stays with you ...
  7. Gurudev, the waves in the sea goes up and then goes down. But you have said mind goes deep within and then dissolves. So, how do we take the mind deeper?

    Stop trying. When you think, I want to do this and I want to do that then you cannot let go of doing something. That is when the mind stays in the surface. When you have the ability to just let go, the mind sinks to the depth. ...
  8. Q: Guruji, how to learn to let go?

    Take a deep breath in and hold. That’s it! Now you know how to let go. ...
  9. How do I blossom in divine love when I have a partner because my love for my partner somewhere dilutes my love for the Divine. I feel I am not giving my 100% to serve you.

    No, they are not in conflict at all. Don’t think that way. Sun shines through every window completely. But don’t use this when you fall in love with another woman. You know what Guruji said, ‘Sun shines through every window totally.’ So I ...
  10. Why does charity give peace to mind?

    Charity brings some positive energy and positive energy always brings peace. You all should do charity, whatever is your income. Even if you have an income of thousand rupees, keep three percent of it aside. Put it in Dharma Sthamba Yojana. Everyone! Then ...