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  1. It has been said that this world is not real but an illusion of the mind. With this perspective, how do we view Lord Krishna and his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita? Were they also an illusion?

    Is this question real or an illusion, first tell me? If the question is real, answer will be real. If the question is an illusion then everything is an illusion. Your spirit of enquiry is also an illusion, then why should an answer be given for it. Go ...
  2. Gurudev, I want to know your views on 21/12/2012. A Japanese princess and several other sources on the internet have mentioned that there will be three days of darkness. What is the truth?

    You know Dr. D. K. Hari has written a book and yesterday I released the book – 2012. Just pick up the book. It should also be available online. He has mentioned a very scientific analysis on 2012 and what it really means and how the Mayans got their calend ...
  3. Gurudev, I am stuck between my soul and society. My soul hates this hypocrite society and this society doesn’t like liberated minds like me. Shall I sacrifice my soul or my society?

    You don’t need to sacrifice anything. You can maintain your soul and be successful in society as well, that is the skill. The whole life is a program of containing the infinite into the small finite container. Our body is finite but our consciousness ...
  4. I cannot know life without death. Guruji please tell me how to know death while I am still alive.

    Meditation. Deep meditation is like being nothing and being nobody. ...
  5. Gurudev, I would like to know what is Shivaloka, Brahmaloka and Vishnuloka? What makes them different from each other?

    There are many worlds and many dimensions of time. And so it is said, one human year is one day in Pitraloka. What is one year for us, of that, six months form a day and six months form a night in another dimension. If you are a student of astronomy, ...
  6. Gurudev, you always say that when we are close to the divine, our desires get fulfilled. It is so true, but desires of people who are not spiritually inclined to God are also fulfilled without any struggle. Then what is the difference?

    You should ask them how they feel. You know when you are awake, when you are spiritually inclined then you are able to enjoy that more. You turn back and see in your own life, before you did any meditation, you also had your desires fulfilled but that ...
  7. As a mother, how can I make my children more creative and less of information junkies?

    More human interaction. Allow the children to play with more kids. Get them to do some service activities. Make them do some work and make them mix with people of all socio-economic strata. ...