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  1. You said earlier tonight, that you have everything in abundance but time. How do I deal with it?

    Oh, I don’t know, I want you to tell me how do I deal with it? I don’t have time, I have been asked to come everywhere. Already my calendar for 2012 is finished, the whole calendar is over and dates are over. Not only me, but for some of our teachers 2013 ...
  2. I read your book in which you said, ‘if you think you have to make a decision you are confused.’ I still feel confused. What to do?

    Yes, when you think you have to make a decision that means you are confused and you have not decided. If you have decided you won’t say you need to decide. If you say, ‘I am hungry’, that means you have not eaten. If you have eaten then you are not hu ...
  3. What is compassion?

    Oh, if you don’t know it, you have no chance to know it. You already know it, you simply wanted a definition and compassion is much beyond definitions so I cannot define it. ...
  4. When you meditate, is the aim not to think of anything?

    Correct, you just be with the instructions and you will get that deeper experience. You are not trying to think or focus on anything; just be. ...
  5. What to do with the disbelief and so many concerns when you feel the heart is closed to knowledge?

    See when you said that you always seek to analyze then you are already out of it. Whenever you say that I am too judgmental that means you are already out of it, got it. With age and experience and with meditation you grow bigger than that, yes. You grow o ...
  6. Physical pain, is it linked to the mind?

    Physical pain and mind is connected, definitely. You know why, because when you sleep or when you are under anesthesia you don’t feel it. So when you sleep you don’t feel it. In sleep what happens is the mind shuts off. In anesthesia they put some blo ...
  7. How to tell someone to do basic course when you know it is very good for them?

    Yes, I also don’t know. You think of ways of how you can convince someone to do it. Best is not to explain too much, simply tell them that it is very good, just do it. Two sentences are good, ‘it is something which is very good and I did it and you al ...
  8. When I close my eyes, often visions come.

    Let them come, no problem. ...
  9. Gurudev, when I think about you, I dream of you. When I dream of you, are you thinking of me?

    Oh, it could be! Tomorrow or the day after, we will talk about the five different types of dreams. ...
  10. Gurudev, what is the difference between Dharma and Karma?

    Dharma is your nature and Karma is your duty. Suppose your nature is to cook food, or your nature is to teach, or your nature is to help people, or do business, that is your Dharma. And the action that follows, what you do in your life, that is your K ...