Wisdom Search

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  1. (A member of the audience spontaneously asked a question without speaking into the mike. The question was inaudible in the recording.)

    Okay, sometimes at least the pendulum can stop. And when it stops it is so nice. That is why you are here, isn’t it? The mind swings between cravings and aversions and then aversions and cravings. It needs some rest sometimes. So doing all this will b ...
  2. Gurudev, when are you going to come to my city?

    Oh, don’t ask me when I will come. I have everything in abundance, except time. I want to go to many places but time is very short. I have not gone to many places in a long time. I have not visited Africa in a long time. I have not been to England in the l ...
  3. Are our emotions linked with age?

    Yes. They are linked with hormones in the body and they are also linked with time, age and so many other factors. ...
  4. Gurudev, what is happening with our monetary system and with the economy in the world? There is so much debt and there is a debt crisis. Also do we still need capitalism?

    You know there is enough wealth in the world. It is just the greed of few people, that they make the market fluctuate and economy crash. All this is happening. If there are some basic reforms in the share market, the economy in the world would become ...
  5. What do I do if I cannot afford the courses and they are expensive for me?

    Definitely you can do it. Talk to the teacher or the volunteer and they will give you a scholarship. We never stop anybody because they cannot afford. Talk to the teachers and they will do something. ...
  6. Is it okay to lie to a child that Santa Claus brings him presents for Christmas?

    Yes, children when they grow up they will know. They will realize the truth. ...
  7. Could you please speak about the burn out which is happening in the society including each individual, and the burn out of the planet which is showing in climatic problems, etc. What do you see as a solution for mankind?

    More values, ethics and morality in society. When human values go up, when people start relating to each other as human beings and when we consider the whole world as one family having a sense of belongingness to everybody then the whole atmosphere c ...
  8. Dearest Guruji, could you talk about healing?

    Healing happens naturally. When your prana (energy) level is high that can be transmitted and healing does happen. ...
  9. How can I get in touch with my soul?

    Meditation. Be still and you are in touch with your spirit. ...