Wisdom Search

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  1. The Primal Instinct

    Fear is an impression of the past reflecting about the future of the present. When people deny fear, they become egocentric, when they recognize and accept fear, they go beyond...get free from it. Total lack of fear is possible only in utter chaos or utmo ...
  2. Satsang Is Shelter

    F E A T U R I N G What is Satsang? Satsang  are gatherings where scattered minds unite through music, meditation, and wisdom to experience a higher state of consciousness. READ MORE Why do we need Satsang? Why do people need homes? Can you live without sh ...
  3. The Divine Beyond Time

    An ignorant person either disbelieves or believes the individual. The wise neither disbelieves nor believes the individual. His faith rests on Kala (time). When the time is good, a foe will behave like a friend. When the time is not good, even a friend wi ...
  4. A Wise Man Is Happy Even In Bad Times And The Stupid One Is Unhappy Even In Good Times

    People who are willing to serve will have good times even in the bad times. when there are problems such as famine or war-torn countries, the Red Cross people will be fine as they are serving. The more relief they bring, the happier they feel. And people ...
  5. Impression And Expression

    Do not make an effort to impress others, or to express yourself. Your effort to express yourself becomes an impediment. Your effort to impress someone also becomes futile. If you do not try to impress, expression comes naturally. When you come from the se ...
  6. Who Wakes Up First?

    Who Wakes Up First? You Or God? You wake up first. God is still asleep. When you wake up first, you experience pain and pleasure. You become aware of the shortcomings of the world and its beauty. Then you cry for help and seek the ultimate and then you wa ...
  7. Give away your rights

    Those Who Fight For Their Rights Are Weak For They Do Not Know Their Inner Strength, Their Magnanimity. The weaker you are, the more you demand your rights. Asserting your rights makes you isolated and poor. People who fight for their rights, take pride i ...
  8. Do Not Correct Your Mistakes!

    Wanting to correct a mistake brings doership and doership is the foundation for mistakes. Often, those who are trying to correct mistakes get caught up in more mistakes. Those who recognize their are mistakes are freed from them. Often, when one acknowled ...
  9. Recycling and hygiene

    Everything here is recycled. The earth is 200 million years old- the Alps, the water, the air. Billions of people have breathed the same air. All the particles in your body are old, you are recycled. Your thoughts and emotions are recycled, mind is recycl ...
  10. Love's Wisdom

    I chant the name of my beloved in every breath. The beloved is faultless- perfect. But being in love I have lost my reputation.When there is so much love, you take total responsibility for any misunderstanding. You may express dismay for a moment on the s ...