The Happiness Program

Discover evidence-based technique that quickly reduces stress and make meditation effortless.

Finally, get out of your rut, restore your vibrancy and live your life best.

Research Highlights
70 independent

on the happiness program's breathing technique Demonstrate a comprehensive range of benefits

Introductory Sessions

Get a taste of The Happiness Program in afree 1-hr class.

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An easy, enjoyable and effectivemeditation technique

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Art of

The vacation you’ve always wanted butnever knew existed

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Medha Yoga

Enroll your teens in an engaging workshop that will teach them life-skills and help them cope with stress.

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Utkarsha Yoga

This program will help your kids develop resilience, learn empathy, and explore their potential.

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what participants share

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Founder, The Art of Living Foundation

Gurudev has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in over 180 countries. 

"Whenever you are in love and feel joyous, your mind is in the present. That is when you achieve yoga. The art of living lies in being in the present moment."

Creating Harmony in Diversity and a culture of Peace

We have seen rebel groups put down weapons and take up the path of non-violence, worked for peace in the heart of war-torn zones; and inspired millions of global citizens to share our vision for humanity and create a one world family.


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