Sudarshan Kriya Practice Group
Every Thursday

Enjoy the company of a
positive, spiritual community

Discuss knowledge to enhance
your peace of mind

Refresh the techniques from
The Happiness Program

Sudarshan Kriya Practice Group
Every Thursday
513 W Pelican Dr, Chandler, Arizona, United States, 85286
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Course Id: C00451


Connect With Others & Deepen Your Practice

  • Enjoy the company of a positive, spiritual community
  • Discuss knowledge to enhance your peace of mind
  • Refresh the techniques from The Happiness Program

Art of Living groups around the world offer weekly drop-in practice sessions open to all who have completed the Art of Living Happiness Program or Yesplus Retreat. These sessions are facilitated by a certified Happiness Program teacher.

Group practice sessions, also referred to as satsangs – a Sanskrit word meaning, "coming together in truth and celebration" – are a place for you to refresh your experience with the breathing techniques, reinforce your home practice, and enjoy the community of fellow practitioners.