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  1. Spiritual Intelligence: What it Is and How to Increase It

    Intelligence and our understanding of it have been evolving over time. Sometimes simply referred to as smarts, intelligence isn’t a one-trick pony. And, just like there’s a difference between book smart and street smart, there’s also a wide range of intel ...
  2. NasDaily Discusses India’s Wisdom Traditions with Gurudev

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a global spiritual leader and founder of the Art of Living Foundation. Through Art of Living’s programs on breathing meditation, wisdom, and yoga, Gurudev has reached an estimated 500+ million people globally.  Nuseir Yassi ...
  3. Meditation Q and A with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    In this insightful video, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar answers common questions, clears up several misconceptions, and provides practical tips on what to do and avoid during meditation practice. How to relax quickly? Hurrying is counterproductive for medi ...
  4. Movie Meditations: Digging a Little Deeper and Finding Meaning

    Have you ever wondered why certain movies resonate so deeply with you? Or what about why certain stories seem to be retold in various forms over and over again, resonating with people across cultures and time? Well, I didn’t. I used to think it was really ...
  5. Thoughts, Desires, and Manifestation: Q & A with Gurudev

    Audience members discuss with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar the topics of desire, manifesting one’s desires, and the impact different types of desires have in your life and on the world. Read some of their conversation here: Staying alert and present Q: Ho ...
  6. A Conversation Between Gurudev and Podcaster Alex Ferrari

    Next Level Soul podcaster Alex Ferrari speaks with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about quantum physics, meditation, spirituality, multiple realities, and more in this interview. Read some of their conversation here: Quantum physics and spirituality Alex: H ...
  7. A Conversation Between Gurudev and NYU Professor John Sexton

    In this “Live from New York Public Library” interview, NYU Professor John Sexton speaks with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about religion, spirituality, and globalizing wisdom to overcome prejudice. Read some of their conversation here: Religion and spirit ...
  8. Karma Definition: Simple Clarity On a Complex Subject

    There is no part of this world untouched by some kind of concept relating to karma. Every religion has an interpretation of how God or the universe operates with our individual karma concerning good and bad actions. Even science has a perspective on karma ...
  9. A Conversation Between Gurudev and The Playbook's David Meltzer

    In this episode of The Playbook podcast, “Managing Energy, Fear, and Personal Habits,” David Meltzer speaks with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about the Art of Living Foundation and how to spread peace, joy, and harmony worldwide. Read more of their conver ...
  10. Washington DC: An Architectural Vastu Perspective

    Years ago, during his first visit to DC, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talked about the stability of The Washington Monument. The monument is considered a Vastu remedy that supports the stability of the United States. To learn more about DC and its connect ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More