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  1. Discover the Healing Power of Nature

    When I look down a trail and can’t see where it’s going, with the softness of the orange pine needles and fallen leaves underfoot, something draws me deeper down the trail’s passage. There is something about moving over the actual earth, with no concrete ...
  2. Yoga and Anxiety, Part 2

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: April 02, 2018 This article continues from last week’s  Yoga and Anxiety, Part 1.  Regular yoga practice can help you stay calm and relaxed in daily life. Yoga also gives you the the strength to face events as they come, without lo ...
  3. Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You! (Part- 2)

    Continued from Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You! (Part- 1) Way #6: Stop Resisting & You’ll Find That It Will Stop Persisting. You might have noticed that the more you resist yourself from doing something, the more your mind wanders in that dire ...
  4. Meditation for World Peace

    All world problems, from military conflicts to domestic conflicts, are caused by violence. Through meditation we can remove the cause of violence, thus bringing peace to the world. Any action that is undertaken without inner peace only leads to regret. An ...
  5. Meditation for Seekers

    Where are you on the spiritual path? You may think of yourself as a spiritual person, but when you are caught in a traffic jam, or someone disagrees with you, your spiritual nature seems to take a holiday. Worries, sorrows and disturbances are certain to ...
  6. Meditation & Love

    If you look at all the pleasures you get in life, they all come with a 'tax'! This tax is sorrow. Every event, however pleasant, causes pain in the end. Greater the joy; greater is the pain. Longing for an event or waiting for a pleasurable even ...
  7. Meditation and The Ego

    When you are in a group, and there is discomfort, this is because of barriers, of the ego. Take a deep breath, watch the discomfort, it will disappear.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. What Is Ego? Ego says, "I am something, I am somebody, I am very gr ...
  8. Control your Anger before it Controls You

    This is continued from the previous article on Tips to Reduce Anger Below are a few more ways by which you can reduce anger. Cleansing the mind of impressions Breathe out Stress Sudarshan Kriya is a powerful breathing technique that helps to release stres ...
  9. Create Your New Meditation Space and Discover Your Piece of Peace

    By Pritika Nair  Want to create a beautiful meditation space for yourself? Here are 10 simple steps to create your ideal space. Meditation is ‘your time’ and you want to make it special. You have been meditating for some time now and you already know that ...
  10. Fear Holding You Back? 3 Powerful Tips to Overcome Fear and Thrive

    Updated by: Elizabeth Herman  Are you struggling with fear? You want to move forward but fear keeps holding you back. Check out these 3 simple meditation tips to overcome your fears. We all experience fear, and we all want to overcome it. You may fear giv ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More