Vaidic Pujas and Homas Jan 23, 2018-2028
Be a Dynamic Expression of Love in Action
  • A combination of yoga, powerful processes, and deep spiritual knowledge
  • Break through barriers and personal inhibitions that hold you back
  • Access inner stability and power

DSN translates to "Do Something Now". DSN is a rigorous and transformational course that empowers participants to break through personal inhibitions and barriers and access inner stability and power.

We each have a deep desire to be the best we can be - for ourselves, our families, our communities and our world - but many of us have personal barriers, old habits, emotional wounds, fears and inhibitions that hold us back and keep us from fully participating in life.

DSN uses a combination of yoga, powerful processes, and deep spiritual knowledge to break through barriers, create personal empowerment, and allow us to fully be of service to ourselves and others.


  • Completed The Happiness Program at least one year ago, with regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya.
  • If between 6 months to a year since your Happiness Program, with regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya, participant may apply with the recommendation of a local teacher.