Regularity with Sadhna

Gurudev, I have not been doing my kriya for some time now and I feel I am taking you for granted. Please guide me. I am scared as I can’t afford to lose your love.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

You know my love is unconditional, but I will tell you something. If you at least sit and meditate for some time, you are not doing it for me, you are doing it for your own good. Whatever you can do, you do. Take out a little bit of time for yourself. Tie up your sadhana with your daily routine.
Every day you have food, you don’t skip or miss any meals, right? Like that, do your pranayama and meditation. Even if you can’t do your pranayama, just sit and meditate. Have you noticed how you feel when you meditate and when you don’t meditate? There is so much heaviness when you don’t meditate, have you felt this?