As You Sow So Shall You Reap

16 May 2014 Bangalore, India

It is very nice to see that the much needed change has come to the country (referring to the results of the 2014 General elections in India).
You know, democracy is all about change. Things always keep on changing in a democracy. One party comes into power for some time, then after some other party comes to power.
It is like when you have a vehicle, from time to time you give it for service and overhauling.

The people who were to win have won, but those who lost the elections this time need not feel dejected and sad. They should think that they have now got some time off for self-introspection. They had gotten so tired because of working and being in the government administration. Now the time has come for them to relax, meditate and introspect.
So many candidates had contested the assembly elections. I would urge the ones, who lost the elections to come to the Ashram, go into silence for some time, meditate and relax. This is important as well.

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