Every test is an opportunity
for you to grow

14 Jul 2014 Montreal, Canada

See how nature has done it so beautifully! A coconut does not fall when it is heavy and full of water. When the water dries up, it becomes lighter and then it falls. A heavy coconut will never fall, you have to go and pluck it when it is full of water.
Just imagine if someone is just walking and a very heavy coconut falls on their head! My goodness, they will be gone!
It is only when a coconut becomes dry and light, then it falls. Nature is so intelligent!

I will tell you a story of two children.
One day, a young boy and a young girl were walking, and one of them said, 'This God is so stupid, he does not have brains! In this small wine he puts such a big pumpkin! And on this big Pipal tree he puts little fruits when it can hold the weight of these big fruits. I think the God has no brains'.
It was a very sunny day, so both of them went to take rest under the big tree. As he was resting a fruit fell on his head. That one fruit fell on him and he said, 'Wow, God does have brain. If the pumpkin had fallen on my head I would have finished!'
So here is somebody who for a minute thought that God has no brain, and a minute later realized that God is very intelligent.

Similarly with mangoes; just before a mango becomes ripe and juicy it snaps and falls on the floor. Suppose it becomes ripe and juicy and then falls then nobody can enjoy its juice. But it falls at a right time so that you can pick it up and enjoy the juice. Nature has tremendous intelligence.

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