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  1. Meditation & Human values

    What are human values? Compassion, cooperation, friendliness, smiling, laughter, lightness, wanting to help, sense of belongingness, caring for each other- all of these qualities contribute to human values and they need to be nourished and brought out. Ba ...
  2. Meditation techniques and insights for a seeker on the spiritual path

    Where are you on the spiritual path? Do you think of yourself as a spiritual person? Do you realize that sometimes when you are in a traffic jam, or when someone disagrees with you, it all goes for a toss? Worries, sorrows, and disturbances may all be a h ...
  3. Fun with Meditation

    Everybody loves fun. Everybody wants to enjoy. Fun is all about your mental state. If you are unhappy, you feel that even the moon is irritating you. Sweet things are nauseating, music is disturbing. When you are calm and centered inside, noise is musical ...
  4. The Door to Meditation

    This mind is experiencing the world. Who is miserable? If you say, “Oh, I am so miserable,” find out who is miserable, who is hot, who is cold, who is experiencing pain, who is experiencing pleasure, who is happy, who is unhappy, who feels, who is intelli ...
  5. Pravriti and Nivriti (Engaged in action, Retire from action)

    There are two attitudes, one, you see everything as perfect, another is finding various imperfections.  One is called Pravriti, when you’re engaged in action; nivriti, when you retire from action. Often, we are not okay with the way things are around us a ...
  6. Mind and Meditation

    "Have you observed what is happening in your mind every moment? It vacillates between the past and the future. It is either in the past, occupied with what has happened, or in the future thinking about what you have to do. Knowledge is being aware of ...
  7. The intelligent know that worldly pleasure is momentary

    The intelligent ones do not get lost in the pleasure that comes out of the contact, of the Gunas and its objects. They are not carried away by the pleasure of the senses and its objects. They know that this pleasure is momentary. It has a beginning and an ...
  8. Relation between Meditation, Sleep and Dreams

    Q – During meditation, my mind wanders a lot. When will it settle down? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – The mind does not wander. It is in search of more and more. This search for more will lead to the Supreme Self. One glimpse of the Self is enough to lea ...
  9. Meditation: A Journey from Sound to Silence

    Meditation is one of the finest, natural, and effective ways for an overall holistic living. As an introduction to this ancient practice, which is also one of the means of self-discovery, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar answers four questions about it. What ...
  10. When your energy is uplifted, then meditation happens

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q: How to accept the present moment? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Like now, this moment I have accepted your question, and I am here now. Got it? It is spontaneous. The present moment is in ...