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  1. Dear Guruji, while answering a question, you mentioned that our energy level goes down after watching movies. But when I watch you Guruji, I feel more energy.

    That’s ok! So, you have your own experience. What I am saying is, when you see people who go into movie theatres, they look so fresh and energetic. When they come out of the movie theatre, look at their faces. They look so tired and dull! They are not ...
  2. Gurudev, is there any effective way of dealing with anxiety? I feel anxious even for small household jobs.

    Ujjayi pranayam. Keep doing it several times now and then and notice it will start reducing from the very first sitting. Also, regular meditation. ...
  3. Dear Guruji, we are all the same at the very core. Then, why do some people long to know about the self and spirituality and other people do not? Isn’t it the same spirit in them too?

    See, it varies. Different people have different interests. Some people are so fond of mathematics. Ask Bawa (Khurshed Batliwala); he is so fond of mathematics. He did a video on mathematics ((a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2) and there were so many hits that the server c ...
  4. Gurudev, you just mentioned about the stream of thoughts. Is there anything we can do to stop or reduce the bombarding of thoughts?

    Thoughts are part of your consciousness; they come and go. Now, how to get rid of thoughts? There are four ways. One is when you are shocked. If you get a shock, even an electrical shock, your mind goes blank. I don’t want you to do that (get an ...
  5. Gurudev, all of us seem to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but very few have an idea about their own lives. Why is it so and what can we do about it?

    Now, are you talking about yourself, or your spouse, or someone else? Of course, your spouse will give you ideas on how you should be living and what you should be doing, and your mother will give you advice, your sister will dictate you, and your dau ...
  6. Spirituality is retaining a child-like nature even after growing up

    Mahasatsang at Banaswadi, Bangalore Do you know what satsang means? Satsang means being natural, informal and simple. Your smile is sufficient for me. There is no need to burst crackers for me. I just want you to be happy and natural. In a group of ten chi ...
  7. There are extremities in nature. There is a lot of violence in the society. How do we handle this situation?

    That’s why we have taken up this job. Good people are all sleeping. In this Kaliyug, there are just twenty percent bad people but good-hearted people are all sleeping. If the good people wake up, a lot of transformation will happen. ...
  8. Why do I have mood swing?

    It could be some chemical or mineral imbalance in the system. Meditation, pranayama and a good diet will help. Blessings will help more than anything. ...
  9. I go towards Allopathy or Ayurveda for health?

    I have already spoken about this. If it is an emergency, Allopathy might be needed. Holistic medicine is needed. ...