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  1. have a difficulty in concentrating, not just in studies, but in everything. What should I do?

    Do pranayama. Talk to a YES/ART excel teacher. They will teach you how to focus. ...
  2. Gurudev, the present world is so much in turmoil. What should a pregnant lady do to ensure that a healthy child is born in the society?

    Keep your mind pleasant. Listen to music daily. According to the scriptures, you have to watch green color. Green color gives serenity and red creates disturbance. You don’t have to close your eyes if you see red. Take nourishing food. Don’t watc ...
  3. For knowledge to transform into experience you have to meditate

    If there is water available but no one is thirsty, who would drink water? Isn’t it? Similarly, the questions ‘Who am I?’ ‘What do I want?’ should first dawn in our minds. What does everyone want? Everyone wants to be peaceful, happy and contented. Who does ...
  4. A Guru As A Mirror

    Welcome back home everybody! You all have come from long distances, so rest well. After many years we are having Shivarathri in the ashram. Usually Shivarathri program needs a bigger venue, but we thought somehow we will fit in and we will accommodate. We ...
  5. Gurudev, many psychologists say that love is just our imagination. I have also read that true love is born out of truth alone. Is there a relationship between love and truth?

    Love is something which is present everywhere. Sometimes it can arise from imagination, sometimes it can arise spontaneously without any reason. Sometimes it can arise by just seeing someone or while resting it can arise. Sometimes, while taking a walk in ...
  6. Gurudev, these days, Ayurveda has changed all the definitions. If someone is angry, they say, ‘Today his pitta is very high.’ If work gets messed up, it is a problem of vata, and if someone does something bad towards me, it is a matter of tamas. Ayurveda has created a big problem, Guruji. Now one cannot say anything to anyone!

    No! Ayurveda has made it very easy for you. It has made it so easy, that it has prevented anger and hatred from entering into you! You can understand the people, who have got what problem, and it has made it much easier for you to understand the situation ...
  7. Gurudev, in Shiva Purana, Shivaji has been considered supreme, and in Devi Bhagvat, Devi has been considered supreme. So which Purana is supreme?

    Whichever you are reading, at that time that is supreme. When you are reading Bhagavad, then Krishna is everything. There is nothing else other than that. When reading Devi Bhagvata, that alone is everything, that is supreme. That is what it is. Whatever i ...
  8. Gurudev, when we have accepted the Guru as everything then what is the purpose of worshiping all the other Gods?

    No, there is no compulsion. It is only a tradition which has been continuing. There is only one Bramha, only one God; but sometimes we worship Him in the form of Ganesh, sometimes as Shiva, sometimes as Kartikeya and sometimes in the form of Divine Mother. ...
  9. Gurudev, whenever we look at you, something happens. When you look at yourself in the mirror, does something happen to you as well?

    (Laughs) Oh really! Something happens?! I myself am a mirror. If you look at me, you see yourself. If you are loving, you will see love in me. A Guru is a mirror. ...
  10. Guruji can I live with full freedom? Many times my freedom becomes a problem for another.

    Yes, you should see that your freedom should not create trouble for someone else. You should take a middle path. If you always focus your attention on others, at some point you will feel frustrated, and if you think only of yourself, you will cause frustra ...