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  1. In one of the knowledge sheets during Navaratri you said that 64 Divine impulses get awakened. Can you please talk about what the 64 Divine impulses are?

    Yes, there the angels, 64 Arc Angels are there called Yoginis and their existence help people to meditate, or do yoga. Yoginis are very important to bring experience to people. And so it’s part of this Navartri that we invoke those names of the Yoginis. S ...
  2. Dearest Guruji, just like on the knowledge tape you mentioned putting a toll gate on your thoughts. They are changing and it is a waste of energy when they are about the past or future. How can we put a toll gate on our emotions? Should we scream for negative emotions before expressing?

    That any way you do. You can’t control emotions by thought you can invoke emotions by thought. Only by being more aware emotions settle down. Thoughts, emotions, and awareness: the more subtle and more basic level of consciousness. That happens and there i ...
  3. Our thoughts tend to be about the future or past. If our mind is in the present moment, will we have no thoughts at all? Will we be able to think only when required? How does it work in your mind?

    Everything that happens happens only in the present. Worries are also in the present, past thoughts also in the present only, future thoughts are also in present only. What exists is only the present. When you’re aware then the thoughts are not so much and ...
  4. When you become subtle in your mind and go deep in your heart, you turn vegetarian naturally

    Guruji tell us about Navratri and why we do all the yagyas and everything? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Navratri is special time where you invoke all the divine impulses. They’re all blessings. It’s an ancient way, in the yagyas all the five elements are used to ...
  5. Gurudev, I have lost someone dearest to me.

    You have lost someone dearest to you. Just don’t do anything just be with it. ...
  6. (A member of an audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    Yes, that’s why even when there is pain and suffering the Divine has not left you, and is always with you. You have been blessed and helped to move along. But that doesn’t mean you invite more suffering and inflict more suffering into yourself. See when w ...
  7. Gurudev, does the desire to strangle someone which you do not act on affect your karma?

    Don’t worry about every single thought that comes into your head. They come and they go, don’t worry. If you don’t act on it you are not making a karma out of it. You can have peaceful nights. ...
  8. You said relax and forget about results. If we forget about our desires and aversions then how do we know what to do?

    No aversions and desires come into your mind, then how much you flow with them or how much you hold back is your wisdom. Got it? See a desire comes into you, I want to have more ice cream, and doesn’t matter have ice cream. But a desire comes into your min ...
  9. Jai Guru Dev, ‘Om Namah Shivya’ takes out our bad karmas of previous lives. Can we just say Om Namah Shivya and let it go and it never comes back to us?

    Some karma can be eliminated by sadhna, mediation, chanting Om Namah Shivaya and by doing good service. Helping out all these things will do that. But there are some karmas which you will have to experience which cannot be avoided. ...