(Below is a continuation of post The Power of Intention )
First of all, we are always in the present. We are in the present, we only have to bring our mind to the present.
When you appreciate the beauty of something, you are in the present moment. When you are concerned about an issue, you are in the present moment. When you have fear, you are in the present moment. So, extreme emotions also put you in the present moment. At the same time, when you witness all these emotions as not you, when you realize that they come and go, then you are in the present moment.
With mindfulness or alertness you can be in the present moment. And all these practices like pranayama and meditation help you to be in the present moment.
See, peace and prosperity go hand in hand. Where there is no peace, there cannot be prosperity. And this is what is happening with all the Naxal affected areas. Since there is no peace, there is no economic development at all.
All other districts have developed except the 200-odd districts that have Naxal problems? Why? Nobody wants to start any business there.
Now how to be peaceful? This one should learn. If you have mental peace, you have energy to work. If you are disturbed and are feeling upset, then you do not want to do any work. When you do not do any work, your productivity will be zero. And if you have zero productivity, you will have no income. So through meditation develop your intuition and increase your peace and enthusiasm, and you will be prosperous.
See, universal peace starts with individual peace. If individuals are peaceful, families are peaceful, societies are peaceful, it all will contribute towards universal peace.
Quantum physics has completely removed this last straw of doubt from the minds of people that your vibrations do have an effect on everybody else.
See, Manglik basically means that the person is a little hot-headed, that's all. All these planetary positions indicate your physical and mental status, and they can always be remedied by meditation and chanting. All these remedial factors exist to get rid of these doshas. It is not fatalistic, it is always changeable.
The ancient Vedic people discovered that (as human beings) we cannot relate to something that has no form. You are talking to me, but do you talk to the space next to me here? If you do, then you must have gone mad and you will be taken to the mental hospital. What do you relate to? To a form! We can only relate to forms. This is why they created so many forms and said, "When you need to relate to the highest spirit, relate through this form".
Gods and Goddesses have subtle forms (light forms) and not physical forms. They have subtle energies. The ancient people connected a particular type of energy to a particular form. It is totally scientific. If you go deep into it, you will be amazed by how beautiful this ancient knowledge has been.
Time and again, what happens is a cloud of negativity comes and bombards your head, isn't it? From college kids to retired people, this is a problem. In fact, it's not even a problem, it's a challenge. Suddenly negative clouds appear and everything seems so bad and life appears to be hopeless. Everyone appears to be cunning and you feel people are after you. So this negative cloud comes and takes over your mind. What to do? This is the time you have to remember to push the negative clouds away and save your mind. Make a resolve to yourself, " I won't let any negative clouds take over me and my life".
It is all about our perception. Our perception gets so distorted with the negative clouds and we keep doubting everything and everybody. And life appears meaningless and depression takes over. So when negative clouds hound you, first know that you are under the influence of a negative cloud. Second, stand up and say, "I am not going to be a victim of this, I am not going to be overcome by a negative cloud."
It is only for you to have this awareness and strength that we have satsang, sadhana and the Guru. Otherwise what else are they there for? So remember this – I have a Guru in my life, I have knowledge, I have wisdom, and I have meditation. And so I'm not going to let the negative cloud (which is an illusion) take over me. I will win over this illusion!
You will need to have this conviction.
Negative clouds are like a shadow. If you have your back towards light, what will you look at? A shadow! And a shadow appears small or big? It appears very big because you are not looking at the light! When you simply turn around and look at the light, the shadow disappears! One little turn is good enough. And that is what is called Gurumukhi – turning yourself towards the knowledge.
Vimukhi is having your back towards the knowledge. When you turn towards the light, then you do not see the shadow and you will never be afraid of it.