
Search results

  1. Transforming the minds and lives of Danish inmates

    “Earlier, my definition of masculinity revolved around earning money by whatever means and responding with violence whenever needed. After doing this program, the definition has changed for me. Now, masculinity means being a good father to my son, a good ...
  2. ‘Convicts like family’: a policeman’s unique perspective

    Among many policemen who serve the nation and maintain law and order, meet DSP of Ranchi who has walked an extra mile for transforming the lives of policemen and prisoners. “Even if it is a convict, I have learned to believe that nobody is bad." A ve ...
  3. A Jail Daughter

    Indu Sinha has worked for the stress-relief of 5,000 prisoners across seven prisons in India. One morning, Indu Sinha, who was visiting her home state of Bihar, read a feature in the local newspaper of a massacre in Senari village where Naxalites beheaded ...
  4. Prison SMART- Approach

    The Solution- The Art of Living Prison SMART Program Conceived by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar this unique program specifically reaches out to all caught up in the crime-nexus, whether perpetrators, or victims; law-breakers, or law enforcers. The Art of L ...
  5. SRIJAN project

    "Expand your vision and see that inside every culprit, there is a victim crying for help. That person is also a victim of ignorance, small-mindedness and lack of awareness. It's the stress, lack of understanding, lack of broad vision about life, ...
  6. Prison Smart- Getuigenissen

    Wat deelnemers zeggen: "Ik dnk dat de lessen van Art of Living niet alleen heel productief waren voor het lichaam maar ook voor de geest. Het hielp me bewust te worden van wat er mis met me was en wat ik daar aan kon doen. Het heeft me ook geholpen d ...
  7. Contact

    Gedeeltelijke lijst van Prison Smart programma's wereldwijd Als u meer wilt weten over specifieke gevangenisprogramma's, neem dan contact op met: Nederland: Lisette Sevens E-mail: België / Europa: Katrien Hertog E-mail: kh ...
  8. Prison SMART- de aanpak

    Prison SMART- de aanpak Prison SMART is een praktisch en effectief stressmanagement-programma. De krachtige ademhalingstechnieken verwijderen opgehoopte stress uit het organisme en hebben een sterk zuiverend effect op lichaam en geest. De kerntechniek van ...
  9. Sultan of Swings Settles Deep Within

    Its 3 o clock in the afternoon. He had been planning and waiting for this day since almost three weeks. He ran the plan carefully in his mind. "finish the his 'seth's' feet till he falls into his afternoon nap...leave th ...
  10. Prison Smart, de transformatie in Argentinië

    Ademen voor Vrijheid Sinds 2006 hebben duizenden gedetineerden in Argentinië cursussen van Art of Living gevolgd, waaronder de meditatiecursus deel 2, Sri Sri Yoga  en de pre-Teachers Training Course.     De ervaring van een gedetineerde "Gisteren wa ...