Rapid Fire with Sri Sri

18 Jun 2010

Night Life: All nights are in Satsang. Appointment with the Divine.

Solitude: To be practiced amongst the crowd.

The forgotten language: Impermanence of Life.

The pathless path: Meditation.

Abhyasa(Practice): Is doing what you have known to be correct.

Desirelessness: is an outcome of Joy.

Holiness: Your very nature.

Apologizing: Brings comfort to the ignorant.

Insult: Experienced by one who has never gone in.

Stealing: Worth doing with great things.

Sensitivity: Makes you human.

The Unconsciousness: The mother of all problems.

Sermons: Fruits that nobody picks or claims.

Swami: One who has established in oneself.

Nightmare: Experienced by one who has never done ‘Art of Living’.

Political will: Serious deficit in resolving conflicts.

Ideology: Many keep it in their safe lockers, and never use it.

Cunningness: Has become so cheap in society where there is no spirituality.

Witness: It brings stability in emotions.

Assassination: Done by foolish people to bring suffering on themselves.

Justice: All that is – Just is.

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