
The Significance
of Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima is the day of reflection. It is the New Year for a spiritual seeker; for one who is on the path. Just like you have the calendar New Year on 1st January every year, for a spiritual seeker, the New Year is on Guru Purnima.
It is a day of reflection; to review on one's credits and debits and look at the balance sheet. It is a day to be grateful for all that we have achieved in the past year, and a day to resolve to do what we are here to do in the coming year. That is the essence of Guru Purnima.

So feel grateful for all the blessings that you have received. Be grateful for all the knowledge, and see how knowledge has transformed life. Without the knowledge we will be no where - realizing this, feel grateful for all that has come our way, and celebrate!
Thank all the masters of the tradition who have preserved this knowledge from ages, and brought it to us. It is very significant.

Our body has millions of cells, and each cell has its own life. Many cells are being born every day and many are dying every day. So you are a walking and moving township. Just like how there are so many cities on the planet Earth and the Earth is moving around the Sun, in the same way, inside you there are so many cells, and so many living beings, and you are moving around. So you are a township yourself.

Just like a beehive - there are so many bees that come and sit on a beehive because there is this one queen bee. If the queen bee goes away, the entire beehive disappears. In the same way, in our body there is a queen bee, which is the soul (atman), and if that goes, everything else disappears. Where is this atman or self? It is nowhere and everywhere, and that is what you are!

Like there is fatherhood and motherhood, there is something called Guruhood as well, and you all have to play the role of Guruhood to someone or the other. Anyways, consciously or unconsciously you are all a Guru to somebody already because you do give advice, guidance, love and care to people, isn't it? So now do it consciously, giving your hundred percent without expecting anything in return. This is living the Guru Principle.

Know that there is no difference between you, the Divine and the Guru Principle. It all culminates into just one thing - the queen bee. And meditation is reposing in the atman.

Today, ask for what you want and it will be bestowed. Go for the highest desire. The best wish is to desire for knowledge and freedom. Think about everything in your life that you can be grateful for, and ask what you want for the future. And bless others; this is the time to bless people. Just receiving is not enough, we need to also bless those who are in need.



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