
Easy Banana Cookies: 3 Ingredient Oat Bars for Your Busy Mornings

By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: September 18, 2019

When you have to wake up and be at school or work early, do you really have time to cook a nutritious breakfast? No fear, there are many ways to prepare quick breakfast snacks ahead of time, including this recipe for 3 ingredient breakfast cookies. These are like mini granola bars, and they don’t need added sugar, because bananas, nuts, dried fruit, and/or chocolate chips provide plenty of sweetness.

It starts the same way banana bread does, by mashing ripe bananas with a fork. Then, incorporating a simple combo of instant and rolled oats into the bananas makes a soft dough as the oats absorb moisture. Then, with whatever combination of nuts, dried fruit and chocolate or carob or peanut butter sweet chips you like, you finish off the substance of your cookie.

What follows is an easy formula for a grab and go healthy breakfast that you can enjoy any time of day:


2 ripe bananas, mashed with a fork

1 ½ cups of oats, instant oats and rolled oats, combined

½ cup nuts, dried fruit and/or chocolate chips, in any combination you prefer

Pinch of salt to taste

Cinnamon or cocoa powder to taste


  • Preheat the oven to 350 fahrenheit. 

  • Mix all ingredients into the mashed bananas. 

  • Take spoonfuls of the mixture, roll it into balls, and press the balls into flat, round cookie shapes. The mixture will not flatten out or change shape during baking. 

  • Place them on a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat or parchment paper.

  • Bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes. 

  • Remove from oven, allow to cool and enjoy!

Whenever I prepare these cookies, I feel so relaxed in the morning for the rest of the week. There’s no longer any need to beat my alarm clock and search for breakfast ingredients, and the mess has already been cleaned and forgotten. These bars are so convenient to have in the kitchen; they make a wholesome and delicious breakfast without added sugar.

I hope your kids and the rest of your family loves them, too!

Elizabeth Herman writes, offers writing support to clients, teaches, and volunteers for a better world. She has a PhD in Rhetoric, Composition and Literature.

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