
Add These 9 Habits of Mindful People to Your New Year's Resolutions

Want to learn how to practice mindfulness? Check out these 9 habits of mindful people to add to your New Year’s resolutions.

Alejandra Leyva
Mindful woman

You’ve probably heard the term mindfulness being thrown around a lot lately. Perhaps in the news, in your yoga class, or by celebrities.

If you want to learn more about mindfulness, and how it could benefit you, you’ve come to the right place!

Read on to learn eight habits that can increase your mindfulness and improve your quality of life!

What is mindfulness exactly?

The American Psychological Association describes mindfulness as a psychological state of awareness.There could be many interpretations of what that statement means, but it basically boils down to one thing—being aware of the present moment, and living it without judgment.

What are the benefits of mindfulness?

Well, researchers from Harvard Medical School have found mindfulness meditation is helpful for people experiencing depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. And other studies have shown mindfulness helps people get better sleep, improve concentration, and reduce cognitive decline.

Powerful habits of mindful people

Mindful people aren’t necessarily making a massive change in their behavior or daily practices. Many simply cultivate good habits that encourage them to be mindful throughout the day. 

Here are nine of the most common habits of mindful people:

They meditate

Man meditating

Being mindful means you are one with your mind, and practice connecting with your inner self regularly. Through meditation, we allow ourselves to focus on the present, increase self-awareness, and manage stressful situations better. 

Sitting down and meditating regularly allows our self-awareness to blossom and gives us a deeper understanding of ourselves—an essential trait of mindfulness.

They breathe

Breathing is more than just something you need to do to live. Breathing—and doing it properly—is a way of connecting with your inner self.

The role of breathing in a person’s overall wellness should never be underestimated. Through mindful breathing, you help get back yourself amidst stressful situations. 

Mindful breathing can involve taking deep breaths, holding them for a longer time, and breathing them out slowly. An example is SKY Breath Meditation, where we focus on  rhythmic breathing to detoxify the body and mind.

They listen

Mindful people advocate for mindful communication, and this starts with listening. 

Through mindful listening, a person opens and empties their heart to allow communication in a way that’s not distractive or reactive. Mindful people give their full attention when listening to another person, and hold back judgment and the impulse to react. 

They practice self-care

practicing self care

A commitment to self-care is not easy, but it is one of the most essential habits that mindful people stick to in their daily lives. 

In order to be of service to others, mindful people see that they care for themselves first and foremost. Practicing self-care means developing habits and practices to achieve your most relaxed state of being and your happiest present self. 

Mindful people use self-care to recharge their batteries to work towards their goals, and these self-care methods don’t necessarily follow a specific formula! Going to the gym, taking a walk, watching your comfort shows, or eating your favorite health snacks are all valid forms of self-care.

They always learn

Mindful people strive to never stop learning, and this doesn’t only refer to formal education like learning higher mathematics. The habit of asking questions and learning through other people’s experiences is also a way to gain knowledge about the world.

Mindful people realize that there are many things they don’t know and could learn from the world around them through experience and education—and accept that it’s okay because life is a constant cycle of learning.

They set daily goals

Mindful people make it a point to set daily goals, be it fitness goals, diet goals, or work goals.

Daily goals help mindful people stay in tune with themselves. One study suggests that mindful people set better goals for self-improvement, and mindfulness is important in reaching those goals.

They create rituals


Creating rituals is different from setting goals in that rather than the result, rituals focus more on the little, tiny processes and habits you do each day.

Mindful people start their day with rituals like doing a 20-minute meditation, making their bed, taking their pet for a walk, or even simply sipping a cup of coffee or herbal tea. 

They avoid multitasking

Many people think that if you juggle three tasks at a time, you are three times more productive, but it’s actually the opposite. These three tasks divide your brain and attention, making you less effective than when you do one thing at a time. 

Mindful people focus on one thing at a time, shifting full awareness to one task rather than multiple different tasks at once. Placing attention on one thing shifts your focus and makes you more productive. This results in focused energy, less time wasted, and the satisfaction of a job well done. 

They read

There are multiple benefits to reading, and mindful people make it a point to read regularly to learn, flex their imaginations, and expand their horizons.

Mindfulness is a form of aligning with oneself to focus on the present moment. When we read, our brain creates multiple scenarios, images, and thoughts about the book we read, allowing us to connect with our deepest thoughts. 

The power of imagination and the physical act of holding a book offers solace and comfort. Take note, however, that not all reading is effective mindful reading. Mindful reading is often slow and well-paced, allowing every experience from a book to grow in your mind, compared to speed reading. 

Mindfulness for the new year

Rather than a goal, mindfulness is a state of mind. If you’re looking for a New Year’s resolution that can help you improve physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, mindfulness practices might be just right for you!

Mindfulness will change your habits, and help you understand and connect with the world a little better—one step at a time.


Editor’s note:

To learn more about SKY Breath Meditation, and how SKY can naturally increase mindfulness, click on the image below and get a taste today!

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