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  1. You are eternal, but you are not aware of this, which is why you get carried away by storms of emotions- like misery...

    You are eternal, but you are not aware of this, which is why you get carried away by storms of emotions- like misery and happiness. ...
  2. Yoga expands and uplifts the consciousness and when the consciousness is uplifted then the knowledge gets very clear...

    Yoga expands and uplifts the consciousness and when the consciousness is uplifted then the knowledge gets very clear and well-founded. ...
  3. What is Aarti? It is when the lamp of knowledge lights up in your heart. When the awareness dawns in you that: I am...

    What is Aarti? It is when the lamp of knowledge lights up in your heart. When the awareness dawns in you that: I am not the body, I am pure consciousness. I am being born nor will I die, I am eternal. Being in this knowledge is the real worship of the div ...
  4. The name that we carry is the one given to us by our parents, and it is limited to our existence in this lifetime...

    The name that we carry is the one given to us by our parents, and it is limited to our existence in this lifetime only. Our true name is Om.It was our name before we were born, and it will be our name after we die. One day we will all dissolve intoOm. ...
  5. A person who is not connected to his own consciousness can never be strong. It is only when one becomes centered...

    A person who is not connected to his own consciousness can never be strong. It is only when one becomes centered within oneself that great strength dawns. That alone is true strength. ...
  6. When one's vision is imperfect, and they seem to find fault in everything around them, such a person is called Asuya....

    When one's vision is imperfect, and they seem to find fault in everything around them, such a person is called Asuya. But Anusuya is one who does not keep finding faults in everything. So whom can you tell a great secret to? One who is Anusuya! ...
  7. Have you seen those animal shaped biscuits? They have different shapes of a cat, a horse, an elephant, etc. Though...

    Have you seen those animal shaped biscuits? They have different shapes of a cat, a horse, an elephant, etc. Though you see different shapes utlimately they are all made up of the same ingrediants. In the same way, in this creation, everything that we see ...
  8. Out of millions, very few will walk the spiritual path and make the effort to gain knowledge of the truth. Very few...

    Out of millions, very few will walk the spiritual path and make the effort to gain knowledge of the truth. Very few will follow the path of yoga. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More