What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. A Strong Self-reliant India

    Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (Below is a continuation of the post Our Rich Heritage of India) Loving your country and loving the Divine are two sides of the same coin.If someone says, 'I love God whole heartedly but I do not love this Creation, this Earth, thi ...
  2. Our Rich Heritage of India

    The city of Sangam (a name for the city of Allahabad in India, being the meeting point of the three holy rivers– Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati) is witnessing a sangam (meaning a confluence or coming together) of devotion, knowledge and karma (one’s duty or ...
  3. A Measure Of Spiritual Perfection

    Bangalore, India  Gurudev, why does it become increasingly difficult to handle the family? I can handle and influence everyone but the ones I love. What is lacking? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have to do it indirectly. You have tell someone who is close to y ...
  4. Action In Inaction And Inaction In Action

    Bangalore, India  Gurudev, what is action in inaction and inaction in action? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is very clear. This is the whole secret. When you are acting with hundred percent attention, something in you tells, ‘I am not doing it, I am not acting. ...