
Search results

  1. Experience and Expression: Use Yoga for Body and Mind, Inside and Out

    By Sriram Sarvotham┃Posted: May 08, 2019 The word “experience” is used in different ways, but let’s consider the following definition: the process of perceiving events and the way we allow ourselves to be as we perceive them. For example, two people can e ...
  2. Benefits of Yoga: How You Can Be Sensitive and Strong in Body and Mind

    By Sriram Sarvotham┃Posted: April 28, 2019 The practice of yoga brings numerous benefits (here are 77 of them!). One striking observation is that some of the benefits appear seemingly opposite; but in fact they’re complementary. The words “ hatha yoga ” – ...
  3. The Significance of Hatha Yoga: How It Heats and Cools Your Body

    By Sriram Sarvotham┃Posted: April 17, 2019 Most of the well-known styles of yoga that include postures, breathing practices and meditation can be classified under the umbrella of Hatha Yoga. While any means or technique (exercise, devotion, service, etc) ...
  4. Yoga for a Healthy Heart: 20 Natural Poses to Prevent Heart Attacks

    By Elizabeth Herman┃Posted: April 17, 2019 Today, there’s no age factor that determines heart ailments. Even people in their 20s are falling prey to heart attacks. According to the National Institutes for Health (NIH), 425,000 people die from heart diseas ...
  5. 6 Yoga Poses and 8 Tips on How to Improve Your Kidney Health for Good

    By Elizabeth Herman┃Posted: April 9, 2019 You could be perfectly healthy. Yet, health needs to be well maintained. A few lifestyle changes will give strength and vitality to your body as a whole. However, it’s also essential to pay attention to the specif ...
  6. 8 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief: How to Relax and Breathe for Exams

    By Eesha Buwa | Posted: April 01, 2019 That time of the year is here when students’ single-minded focus is on the books and not on Facebook and Instagram. The time when the mind is focused but not relaxed, because exams are around the corner. There’s peer ...
  7. PTSD Treatment: Funding New Research on Yoga for PTSD Patients

    By Jennifer Bieman| Posted: March 29, 2019 Yoga’s hero pose and deep breathing could be a key to reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in emergency workers, London researchers embarking on a new federally funded study say. A London-based ...
  8. Wind Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

    By Volunteer Writer | Posted: March 11, 2019 Wind-relieving pose: yoga for gas Everyone experiences gas at some point or another. Whether it’s the result of grandma’s five-bean chili or poor chewing habits, gas happens. And when it does, yoga is one of ou ...
  9. Yoga for Sleep: 5 Best Poses for Deep Rest for Body and Mind

        The power and importance of sleep can’t be ignored by anyone. Sleep is valuable for the mind to rejuvenate and for the body cells to repair themselves. The right amount and quality of sleep greatly enhance the quality of time spent when we are awake. ...
  10. How to Reap the Greater Benefits of Yoga for Your Body and Mind with Asanas

    By Shriram Sarvotham|Posted: March 01, 2019 The term “ asana ” from Sanskrit literally means “seat.” By practicing asanas, we gain the ability to seat ourselves comfortably and steadily. Rather than getting caught up in the discomforts of the body, we can ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More