News Flood | Art of Living Australia

News Flood

This week we had so much newsthat we are sending just the news flood!

It has been an unusually hectic week even by Gurudev's standards. Last Friday, Gurudev addressed three satsangs in a single day, starting with the rural satsang among thousands of poor people of Inchilla, a brief stopover with the enthusiastic devotees of Belgaum, and on to the urban elite of Goa, with the sound of our bhajans reverberating everywhere.

Ahmedabad was all keyed up as Gurudev returned after a two-year gap.Teachers from all over Gujarat had been working together to make this the biggest satsang ever. In the morning, over 25, 000 people did the Sudarshan Kriya conducted "live" by Gurudev...Intense experiences, strong fragrances, changes in the weather pattern were happening as three eagles circled directly overhead, joined by a flock of other birds Ö a cosmic rhythm was set in motion. Many people shared that their entire life was one side and this event on the other, such was the magnitude of the experience for them. Kriya was followed by an elaborate lunch for the participants the network of volunteers had organised 60 counters to feed all of them!

In the evening, the same cricket stadium was transformed, with a huge lotus designed up in the stands for Guruji to sit in, and video screens all over the grounds. It was a sight to see streams of people flooding in, all excited and happy even before the program began, the crowd totalled nearly 200,000! The traffic diversion for the event was announced by the traffic police well in advance, as THE event took off without any chaos.

Following 27 minutes of total, still meditation, the entire crowd were on their feet, singing and dancing Ö the sub-inspector of police remarked that even though a meagre force of 500 was deployed, they had nothing to do, so blissful and orderly was the crowd. The policemen would hug people, and confessed that only their uniform was preventing them from joining the dance. The high priests of the ancient city of Dwarka (Krishna's capital), came all the way to invite Guruji, and placed a resplendent turban (which was from the temple deity) on His head.

The next day was the foundation-laying ceremony of the Gujarat ashram on the banks of the river Mahi. After a brief satsang in Vidyanagar, Guruji addressed over 3,000 Art Excel kids Ö it was the best ever question-and-answer session, with witty one-line exchanges between the little ones and the Wise One.

Enthusiastic devotees with a live band awaited Guruji at 4 am in Jamnagar. Guruji visited the ancient capital of Krishna in Dwarka for a Vishnu Yagna in the ancient Dwarkadheesh Temple. The entire city danced as Guruji was taken in a horse-drawn carriage through the streets of Dwarka's it was a non-stop celebration. That evening, we had another Divine Satsang in Jamnagar, before returning to Ahmedabad. The blissful ones are now in Delhi, en route to Rishikesh.




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