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  1. Why do we have so many Gods in Hinduism. Is there any scientific reason behind that?

    Do you know how many chromosomes there are in your body in total? Have you ever wondered how one cell develops into this very complex body? It is because it is programmed to do so, but it is just one cell.If you go to a pastry shop, how many types ...
  2. On spirituality and science, what do you think should change about science as we have it today, and the education in science?

    Prejudice. If prejudice clogs science, then it dies very soon. Open-mindedness to possibilities is the basis of science! History has told us, when scientists were prejudiced, when they were blind or deaf to other researcher’s words, they suffered ...
  3. When you engage other world leaders and talk about your agenda of peace, what do you talk about? I am just curious about what goes on in your negotiations and what do you ask of world leaders?

    First of all, when I meet anybody, I meet them as human beings. Just remember, even though somebody is a world leader, they are human, so they have their own issues. So I meet them on a human level. If the leaders are stressed, you can imagine the conse ...
  4. Expect Less And Understand More

    (Below is a continuation of post Beyond The Rat Race) A few moments ago, you mentioned that perception is everything. So, how can we improve our perceiving power? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Perception power can be improved through proper diet, meditation, and ...
  5. Gurudev, different people have different theories of what happens after death. Will we remember what we did in this life after death? If not, what is the point of doing anything?

    Tell me, what breakfast did you have on May 29, 2014? You don’t remember? (Mischievously) So what is the point of having breakfast then?! (huge laughter from the crowd)See, in life, we do many things. We don’t have to rem ...
  6. We would like to hear in your words the link between science and spirituality.

    This is my favorite topic. In the East, science and spirituality go together. If you read the Gita or any of the Upanishadas, they say gyaan vigyaan – science and spirituality must go together.In fact, in the six systems of phi ...
  7. How do I manage the expectations of people around me, and how to be happy without expecting much from my loved ones?

    See, you do your 100% and then that’s it! If they expect more from you, say, "I am so sorry, I can’t do this".If you are not a doctor and somebody expects you to treat them, what would you do? Will you give them an injection ...
  8. How can we promote tolerance between people in countries where religious minorities suffer?

    I am very glad you asked this question. This is my concern too. Day and night, I am also thinking on how to make people drop these minority-majority differences and come together as one human race, one human family. I think we can do this through educat ...
  9. A few moments ago, you mentioned that perception is everything. So, how can we improve our perceiving power?

    Perception power can be improved through proper diet, meditation, and exercise. It has a lot to do with the circulation in the body.Suppose you keep eating and sit like a couch potato and don’t do any exercise, then you simply keep expanding ...