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  1. Drop Your Problems

    Bangalore, India Truth is that from which you cannot escape and also which you cannot describe. It is very difficult to describe the truth, and equally difficult to avoid it. Similarly, beauty is something which you cannot possess, and you cannot renounce ...
  2. A Conversation Without Words

    Bangalore, India We need to see and observe that whatever thoughts come to our mind, are all useless. Every thought is about the past. These thoughts that arise in the mind are a projection of the past on the consciousness. Whatever has happened in the pas ...
  3. The Power of the Guru Tatva

    Bangalore, India When one is with the Guru, and following the path, is it necessary even then to participate or conduct rituals? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you have unshakeable faith on the Guru Tattva, then there is no need for anything else. But if you fee ...
  4. Why Don’t You Just Relax!

    Bangalore, India Please talk about surrender? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What is it that you have to surrender? Anyway everything belongs to the Divine already. But when you think that something belongs to you, then I say, ‘Let go’. When you are holding onto so ...
  5. There Is Something Higher Than The Physical Laws

    Calgary, Canada There is an epic story about King Dasharatha, who had three wives, but no children. He and one of his wives, Kaushalya, did a yagya called Ashwamedha, after which they got four sons. Medha means purification (ceremony); ashwa means today, n ...
  6. We Live In An Interconnected World

    Slovenia, Europe (Gurudev addressed a group of business leaders and professionals at The International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business at Slovenia. The annual event brings together leaders from business, politics, academia, civil society and fai ...
  7. When Will You Become Peaceful?

    Bangalore, India There are basically two types of attitudes, or two kinds of people in the world. One kind thinks that all people must be intrinsically bad; inside they are very bad. And there is the other kind who thinks that basically everyone is good de ...
  8. Meditation Can Change Your Destiny

    Delhi, India If we sit and spend some time being with ourselves, reposing in ourselves for just a short while every day, then that is what meditation is. There is so much to do, why should we meditate? Meditation helps increase energy in the body. The life ...
  9. The Time Is Now- India On It's Journey Towards Change

    Delhi, India It has been rightly said that there should be fire, but it should not burn down one’s own house. In a way, I am happy that the youth of India are awakening. Now people cannot take us for granted, because the youth have awakened. We have become ...
  10. The Three Things That We Live For

    Tokyo, Japan We need to see life from a broader vision. What we know as life, and this whole world, is through our senses. It is through seeing, hearing, touching, and understanding. The knowledge that we get through the five senses is of one level. There ...